Category: Parrots


  • The Pregnant Budgie Guide at

    The Pregnant Budgie Guide

    If you plan on breeding budgies, then the first thing you should know is that, like all birds, budgies are oviparous; therefore, they can’t become pregnant. But instead, a pregnant budgie refers to a parrot about to lay fertilized eggs. Unfortunately, determining if your budgie is pregnant or ill can be challenging. Remember, budgies make…

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  • The English Budgie guide by

    The Complete Guide To English Budgies

    Generally, budgies make great pets, but have you ever thought of adding an English budgie to your aviary? Well, budgies are some of the most popular pets on the planet that, ranks behind cats and dogs. They’re cute and affectionate, affordable birds, and they can even mimic human speech when well-trained. So if you already…

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  • African Grey Parrots Price Guide (With Types of Greys and Maintenance Costs Too!) exclusively at

    African Grey Parrots Price Guide (With Types of Greys and Maintenance Costs Too!)

    African Grey Parrots are known for their charming personality and high intelligence. However, like other exotic birds, African Grey Parrots can be expensive initially to purchase and maintain, not to mention they can outlive you. With the different types of Grey, finding the price can be challenging, so I thought I’d put this guide together…

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  • The Complete Rainbow Lorikeet Diet Guide from

    The Complete Rainbow Lorikeet Diet Guide

    Like other animals, birds have specific nutritional needs, and Rainbow Lories are no exception. They need the right proportions of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water, and fats. What does rainbow lorikeet eat? We’re here today to find out! The main things that a rainbow lorikeet eats are flower nectar and pollen. The other flowers that…

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  • How To Improve Pionus Parrots Lifespan (In The Wild and Captivity) by

    How To Improve Pionus Parrots Lifespan (In The Wild and Captivity)

    How long do pionus parrots live? Parrots are lifetime partners; like some species, Pionus can keep you company for a quarter of a century. Sure, they can be easily out-talked by the Amazon parrots, but did you know that they make great pets? They’re considered one of the best-kept secrets in the bird pet industry.…

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  • The Quaker Blue Parrot care guide from

    The Ultimate Quaker Blue Parrot Guide

    If you live in an area where owning a parrot is allowed, you might want to have a blue quaker parrot as your pet. Aside from it being easy to maintain, it will also entertain you (they are little chatterboxes). The blue quaker parrot, also known as the Monk Parakeet, is a type of parrot…

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  • Everything You Didn't Know About Lorikeets Tongue at

    Everything You Didn’t Know About Lorikeets Tongue

    The lorikeets and lories of Australasia are known to eat a specific diet. Over time, they adapted to this diet and developed a peculiar lorikeet tongue. Thus, it makes it harder to care for these animals in captivity. Lorikeets have a long, flexible tongue that allows them to collect nectar and pollen from flowers. It’s…

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  • A budgies scratches to relieve itching from mites. Learn about managing budgies and mites at

    How To Manage Budgies With Mites (Quickly and Effectively)

    Budgies with mites can be a real challenge. They suffer horrendously from these tiny parasites that feed on their blood like vampires. They can live on the skin and feathers of their hosts and are active at night. Owners of canaries and budgies should be vigilant about their pets’ health and manage these mites quickly…

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  • The White Budgie guide by

    The Incredible White Budgies Guide

    The Budgerigar is a household pet that ranks third in popularity, just behind cats and dogs. These little birds are known for their vibrant colors and make great companions. Budgies can come in all sorts of color variations, from blues to yellows and greens, and even white. The White Budgie isn’t as common as the…

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  • 5 Facts About Parrots Eyes You Didn't Know - explained at

    5 Facts About Parrots Eyes You Didn’t Know

    Scientific studies have revealed an astounding amount of visual adaptations in parrots’ eyes, which are remarkable given the lack of a clear understanding of how they see. Birds are tetrachromats, which means they can perceive four colors: ultraviolet, blue, green, and red. On the other hand, humans only see three colors.  Check out some fun…

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