Category: Parrots


  • Can Parakeets Eat Strawberries? Find out at

    Can Parakeets Eat Strawberries?

    Parakeets are rewarding, beautiful creatures that make exceptional companions. The fun part of owning one is seeing them gobble a wide range of snacks daily. Therefore, you always want to share your snacks with it, including strawberries, but have you ever asked yourself if parakeets can eat strawberries? Are strawberries safe and healthy, or should…

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  • Can Parakeets Eat Blueberries? Find out at

    Can Parakeets Eat Blueberries?

    There’s no denying that parakeets are curious about everything. They are quickly intrigued and fascinated with anything new, especially regarding things they can consume or not. It’s in their nature to be curious about their surroundings. Besides, their wonder and curiosity took them into our hearts in the first place.  Indeed, sometimes you get a…

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  • Does The Female Eclectus Parrot Talk? We find out at

    Does The Female Eclectus Parrot Talk?

    Does the female Eclectus parrot talk? Parrots are holistically known for their ability to talk. Still, to the surprise of many, there is a significant amount of parrot species that cannot mimic human speech. On that note, can female Eclectus parrots and their male counterparts also talk? Due to the behavioral tendencies of female Eclectus…

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  • This Is How Much A Talking Parrot Will Cost You - Find out at

    This Is How Much A Talking Parrot Will Cost You

    Having a pet become part of the family has a myriad of benefits that it can offer. It can be a great way to exercise, an excuse to go outside, and an opportunity to socialize. Walking and playing with them can decrease cholesterol levels and blood pressure (Source).  Pets are also a great way to…

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  • 17 Amazing Things That an African Grey Can Do - only at

    17 Amazing Things That an African Grey Can Do

    The African Grey Parrot can be considered a legend in the parrot kingdom. This bird is native to Africa and is likely to be found in rainforests. The African Grey can be an excellent choice for those looking for a feathery pet.  There are many interesting facts about African Grey. Some are unique to it…

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  • Are Carrots Safe For Parrots? Find out at

    Are Carrots Safe For Parrots?

    Parrots are known to feed on seeds and other pelleted foods. However, you must provide them with other foods to stay healthy. In this article, we dive deep into parrots and carrots and if the vegetable is a necessary addition to their diet. Carrots are safe for parrots. These vegetables are colorful, which attracts parrots…

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  • The Costs Of Owning A Sun Conure Parrot - Find out at

    The Costs Of Owning A Sun Conure Parrot

    Sun conures (Aratinga solstitialis) are parrot birds known for their beauty and intelligence. Jandaya parakeets (Aratinga jandaya) and Golden-capped parakeets (Aratinga auricapillus) are taxonomically included in the group. They are bright-orange plumage on the forehead and abdomen. (source)  These birds originated in northern and central-eastern South America. Naturally, they inhabited dry areas, settled in either…

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  • Is The Caique A Good Bird For Beginners? (What You Need To Know at

    Is The Caique A Good Bird For Beginners? (What You Need To Know)

    Caique parrots may be excellent pets due to numerous exciting traits like curiosity, playfulness, uninhibited, amusement, and intelligence. These birds are very active such as their love for hopping, being fond of chasing other household pets and often rubbing themselves on their owner or frequently swaying back and forth on their perches. (source) A tamed…

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  • Do Caiques Need A Lot Of Attention? (Find Out Here at

    Do Caiques Need A Lot Of Attention? (Find Out Here)

    Caiques are small tropical parrots that originated in South America and mostly came from the Amazon. There are two caiques species: the Black-capped (Pionites melanocephala) and the White-bellied (Pionites lucogaster). The physical beauty of these birds is attributed to the differences in physical appearance according to species. In the past, the Black-capped and White-bellied caiques…

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  • 8 Parrots That Do Not Scream at

    8 Parrots That Do Not Scream

    Imagine going home from work—exhausted and drained from the chaotic pile of papers and manic errands from your workmates- and all you think about is slouching on your soft sofa. You want to soak in the peace—not until a high scream jolts you out from your tranquility. You’re now wondering,” What’s screaming?” or, better yet,…

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