What Is A Conure Parrot?




What Is A Conure Parrot?

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One can characterize a Conure Parrot as the center of attention in a crowd. Like most Parrot species, Conures are very social creatures and distinct. They are very social and curious as well.

Conure Parrots are one of the most sought Parrot species as pets. This specie of parrot is famous for being quirky and energetic, which makes it easy to care for at home.

Do Conure Parrots Talk?

The answer is yes. Conure Parrots talk but not as well as other known Parrot species. Conures can speak a few words that are familiar to them. However, their abilities are not limited, and they can learn more words. 

In a Survey, at least 80% of Conure Parrots can speak or recreate easy dishes. Female Conures are more adept than male Conures regarding vocabulary skills.

Research on Conure Parrots shows that their vocal imitation ability is flexible. It is because of the many different individuals they meet within a flock. (source)

What Sound Can They Imitate?

Most Parrot species can replicate both words and sounds made by humans. But Conures specialize in mimicking sounds rather than words. These birds are more effective in copying typical sounds from humans. An example of these are sneezes, short expressions, and laughter. 

Some even reproduce the tone and pitch of a set of words rather than the words they hear. Conures can use their vocal range in a unique and very controlled manner. Conure Parrots grow to have more than the usual orange and green color. 

These creatures grow to have bold colors like scarlet red and, in some cases, even blue. Another physical aspect that makes Conures different is their eye-ring. Unlike most Parrots, these birds lack feathers around their eyes.

How Big Are Conure Parrots?

A Conure Parrot is small but has a longer beak than African Grey Parrots, but it has a long pointed tail despite its small body size. There are no differences in the physical characteristics between male and female Conures. To find out its gender, you will have to get its blood tested by professionals.

The minor differences between species of Parrots can confuse some. Conure Parrots are distinct for their daring combination of colors.

Do Conure Parrots Communicate With Us?

Yes, Conure Parrots talk, but they are more prone to mimicking sounds than words. These creatures are amiable, but it may take at least 3 to 4 days to warm up to an individual. When Conures thrive in an ideal environment, they can mimic at least a hundred words as long as they’re trained and put in places where they usually interact with humans. 

Conure Parrots make high-pitched sounds most of the time. They usually make this sound when they are excited or bored. 

In their natural habitats, Parrots communicate with their peers through their voices. These birds either whistle, squawk, or chirp. They also use their voice when going through a courtship process.

How Do They Communicate With Their Kind?

To communicate with other flock members, Conures imitate the sound of their peers. Based on research in May 2019, Conures can alter their sound to be more in tune with their peers. Vocal interactions in fission and fusion events change the fine-scale structure of Conures. (source)

Not only do Conure Parrots talk, but they also like to move around. Conure Parrots dance and can even mimic their keeper’s movements. 

May it be another bird companion or a person, Conure Birds adjust fast depending on their companion. When caring for one at home, you only have to make sure to provide these birds with long-term companions.

Is A Conure A Parrot Or A Parakeet?

Conures can classify as both a Parrot or a Parakeet. But since Conures are a bit big for Parakeets, it would be more logical to assume that they are Parrots.

Parrots are bird species that are famous for their colorful set of feathers. While most Parrots are significant, a smaller group of Parrots classify as Parakeets.

All Parrots do not classify as Parakeets, but all Parakeets are Parrots.

Parrots not classified as Parakeets naturally have square-shaped tails. Contrary to how Parakeets have long tails.

Are Conure Good Pets?

Yes, Conure Parrots are good pets. These birds work well in social settings, especially where there is a lot of interaction. These Parrots don’t usually mind a vibrant and energetic environment. It can learn and thrive even more when a keeper interacts with them more.

Think of Conure Parrots as extroverts. They like fun, and they link physical movement. As long as you provide these creatures with live interaction, they will respond well. For families with kids, Conure Parrots would be an excellent pet to get. Exposing kids to pets positively impacts a child’s development and vice versa. 

Part of getting a Conure Parrot for a pet is to learn how to care for and handle them well. As for all pets, these birds need delicate physical handling. You may have to wait for a child to reach the proper age to hold and care for a Parrot well. Otherwise, it is not difficult to learn how to do this well.

Make Room For Vocal Stimulation

Conure Parrots respond well to environments that allow room for vocal stimulation. They are adept at playing back sounds that they hear from their surroundings.

If you keep a Conure Parrot as a pet, it will be best for the bird to have a constant companion daily. Conure Parrots get bored when they have no social interaction. When these birds get bored, they tend to have self-harming tendencies. You must consider a vibrant environment and a companion for your pet. 

What Are Conures Famous Characteristics?

Despite being small birds, Conures are known for having prominent attention-seeking personalities. It is why they are, at most times, deemed as “Clowns” For their social and vibrant nature. 

Conure Parrots like to play a lot. It’s essential to remember how much Conures love physical activities. It would be best to house your Conure Parrots in a cage that allows great space and exploration. Include toys that will keep them busy when they are not engaged in social interactions.

Some Conures have the auditory sensitivity of hearing frequencies at 1 to 4 kilohertz. It is one of the most excellent sensitivity ranges for Parrots. (source)

Conures are also intelligent birds. As one could train dogs to learn new tricks, these bird specie can also do so. Given Conure’s attention-seeking personality, they would require daily social interactions.

Train Your Conure Parrot To Speak

Learning is a process, and you can’t expect your Parrot to pick up the words you want them to memorize instantly. Train your Parrot as you would train a child to speak. Repeat words and phrases to help them remember what to mimic. 

Once they say they can copy you, then praise your pet. It will allow your pet to recognize that it is doing something right.

For your pet Conure to learn to speak, you must always engage in an interaction with them. It will improve your Parrot’s mood and boost their confidence level. Sometimes, it works to narrate what you are doing. Remember that Conure Parrots don’t only copy words but also movement.

Some Helpful Methods Of Teaching Conures

Moving in a certain way while teaching them a new word or a phrase will allow them to learn new words fast. Conure Parrots may be able to understand what our words precisely mean. But they can associate words with actions.

Irene Pepperberg’s research shows that Parrots can associate meanings with words. She says that Parrots can learn adjectives, nouns, and verbs too. (source

As it turns out, Parrots learn to talk sometimes because of peer pressure. Yes, you read that right. As mentioned before, Parrots are very sociable creatures by nature. Part of them being social is needing to fit in. It is why they adapt quickly to their environment.

How Old Should Conures Start Learning?

Your Conure Parrot may begin to talk once at least three months older. The earlier a Parrot learns to speak, the greater chances of knowing more words as they grow.

It is essential to remember that not all Parrots can mimic exact words as one would expect. Try to clearly define the kind of bird specie you want to keep for yourself. 

Some studies suggest that short-term vocal training on Parrots is also practical. The study also states varying response times for male and female birds. (source)

Other Ways Conures Communicate

Talking is not the only way Conure Parrots can communicate. These bird species can display their emotions through their body. They may show enthusiasm by moving closer to whom they’re engaging.

Conure Parrots are expressive birds; they can feel distressed or have negative energy. When this happens, these birds usually withdraw from engaging in this environment.

What To Look Out For:

Feather Picking

One of the things to look out for when caring for Conure Birds is feather picking. It is very harmful and often a sign of emotional or mental stress in a bird.

In most cases, Conure Birds pick on their feathers when they get bored. They also do this when they start to lack physical and mental exercise.

Your Conure cage should be large enough for them to fly around and play in. Give your pet toys to play with and chew as well.

Excessive Chewing Habits

Another thing to observe is if your Conure would have excessive chewing habits. It is often a sign of a lack of training. You can train your Conure Parrots with proper guidance. Teach them what items are okay for chewing and which ones are not.

Some Parrot keepers make mistakes of not paying much attention to what their Conures are chewing on. When left unmonitored, this can invite accidents and even harm your bird.

It would be best to place your Conure Parrot cage in an area where their noise will not upset tenants. These birds communicate their needs and emotions by using their voice. They do not have the social etiquette to know when to modulate the sound that they are making.

Keep It In Interactive Cages

Keep your Conure Parrots in a well-put cage and interactive environment.

Aside from putting up toys inside the cage of your Conure, put perches as well. Put up nests with different textures so your bird can get used to the varieties of wood. It will also help them develop a better grip and choose their comfort zone. 

Later on, you can change the accessories depending on your pet’s preferences. 

Make sure to regularly clean the metal grate at the bottom of the cage. It will ensure that your Conure’s feet will be free from their droppings. Remember that Conure Parrots have self-harming tendencies. Leaving them in a clean environment will agitate them less and leave them more peaceful.

Water Dishes Are Necessary

Your bird should have enough water dishes inside. Choose tubs that are large enough for your Conure to take a bath. Always make sure to keep the water new in your bathing dishes. Birds are only as beautiful as they are hygienic. Doing this will prevent your pet from contracting any avian disease or illness.

Finally, place your bird’s cage with enough sunlight to get Vitamin D on their skin. While a Conure can get plenty of nutrients from its diet, natural sunlight helps them.

Diet, on another note, is one thing that you should pay attention to when caring for a Parrot. It would be best if you did not dismiss your Conure’s need to have a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit in its diet.

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  1. Balsby TJS, Momberg JV, Dabelsteen T, “Vocal Imitation in Parrots Allows Addressing of Specific Individuals in a Dynamic Communication Network” Accessed May 2022. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0049747
  2. Wright, Timothy F. & Dooling, Robert J., “Hearing and Vocalizations in the Orange-Fronted Conure (Aratinga Canicularis)” Accessed May 2022. https://asa.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1121/1.428955
  3. Bradburry, Jack W., “Vocal Communication in Wild Parrots” Accessed May 2022. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.4159/harvard.9780674419131.c22/html 
  4. Walloe, Solveig, Thomsen, Heidi, Balsby, Throsten J. & Dabelsteen, Torben, “Differences in Short Term Vocal Learning in Parrots, a Comparative Study” Accessed May 2022. https://brill.com/view/journals/beh/152/11/article-p1433_1.xml?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=dlvr.it
  5. Thomsen, Heidi, Balsby, Throsten J. & Dabelsteen, Torben, “The Imitation Dilemma: Can Parrots Maintain Their Vocal Individuality When Imitating Conspecifics?” Accessed May 2022. https://brill.com/view/journals/beh/156/5-8/article-p787_13.xml

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