Are you wondering if parrots can eat grapes? Grapes are very healthy fruits with many benefits and can positively complement your parrot’s diet, giving an extra boost of energy. In addition, parrots love grapes because of their excellent taste.
In general, parrots can eat grapes safely and get a lot of nutritional benefits at the same time. Grapes contain vitamins K, B6, E, C, manganese, potassium, fibers, thiamine, and some protein. However, they have higher sugar content, and they should be given once in a while.
Let’s see all the benefits grapes can provide to parrots and what are the proper precautions to use when feeding them.
What Are The Nutritional Values Of Grapes?
Grapes generally grow in clusters and have a lot of different colors. For example, you can find black, green, yellow, dark blue, and orange grapes and they all have similar nutritional benefits. But, most of the content of grapes is water, followed by carbohydrates (and sugar), proteins, and fat.
Currently, over 10,000 types of grapes exist in the world, and over 70% of them are used to produce wine, while the rest is used as fresh fruit and to make other products such as juices, marmalade, and more.
Here are all the elements you can expect to find in grapes:
- Copper
- Fibers
- Fats
- Thiamine (B1)
- Riboflavin
- Potassium
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Manganese
- Sugar
- Niacin (B3)
- Vitamin B5
- Vitamin K
- Calcium
- Iron
- Sodium
- Zinc
Grapes have a lot of good vitamins like vitamin K, C, B5, E, and B1. In addition, there are a lot of good minerals essential to maintain good health.
What Are The Health Benefits Of Grapes?
In general, a grape is a fruit that contains elements that can provide the following benefits:
- Keep blood pressure under control
- Keep a healthy level of cholesterol
- It includes a lot of antioxidants
- It helps against low sugar levels
- It benefits eyes health
- It protects against cancer
- It supports bone health
- It protects against bacteria and fungi
- It lowers inflammations
- It promotes longevity
- It helps lower inflammation
Grapes have been cultivated for 8000 years, and they are one of the most known and eaten fruit; They have been widespread for centuries, not only because they are easy to cultivate but also because there are tons of benefits in adding them to the diet.
One cup of grapes contains quite some potassium, which is instrumental in keeping blood pressure low. In addition, some of the elements contained in grapes help reduce cholesterol absorption and thus decrease cholesterol levels.
The high level of antioxidants in grapes has the benefit of reducing cell damage caused by free radicals, thus reducing the possibility of getting cancer, diabetes, and health diseases.
Although there are a lot of positive elements in grapes, there is a negative point to consider, which is the high content of sugar.
In an average of 150 grams of grapes, there are around 23 grams of sugar, which is quite a high amount even for a human (daily maximum sugar intake for women is 25 grams a day and for men is 38, accordion to the American Heart Association)
Are Grapes Harmful To Parrots?
Grapes are not harmful to parrots at all; they have a lot of benefits. However, the high sugar content can create many problems for a parrot who overeats.
The most common problems deriving from overeating grapes are stomach upsets, weight gains, liver problems, and vomiting.
Giving a few grapes a week to a parrot can be beneficial, without the dangers of giving them too much sugar. It is better to provide grapes as a treat than a meal replacement. Eating a lot of grapes can cause weight gain that can result in other problems.
Last but not least, if you are not getting organic grapes, you could be feeding your parrot pesticide residues. Pesticides are used to protect plants from pests such as insects and bugs. However, even if you wash fruit treated with pesticides, you will not be able to remove all the tiny chemical particles.
Parrots are susceptible to pesticides, and even small amounts can upset their stomach and make them sick.
Why Should You Pay Attention To The Sugar In Grapes?

Indoor or pet parrots are more susceptible to becoming fat faster than wild parrots. Wild parrots are free to fly and get more exercise than a pet parrot.
If fact, they have to procure their food, find shelter, fly away from predators, or simply are free to play around.
Pet parrots do not have to do as much movement as wild parrots. All the food is provided for them without much effort. For this reason, if their diet does not include high-quality food, and if the sugar level is too high, parrots could become fatter quickly.
It is easy to feed a parrot too many grapes since it gives your pet an extra energy boost and it has a great taste. But often replaces other food necessary for your bird’s good health, resulting in vitamin deficiency (and obesity).
Is Grape Juice Good For Your Parrot?
Grape juice is suitable for parrots in the same way as grape, although the whole fruit is generally healthier. In some cases, the taste of the juice is better than the actual fresh fruit, and your parrot might enjoy it much more. However, not all juices are as good as real grapes.
During the production of grape juice, the liquid juice is heated and pasteurized to prolong shelf life. Some brands add sugar, additives, colorants, and flavors. This process results in that grape juice losing most of its nutrients ( through the pasteurization process) and contains much more sugar.
In addition, the quality of the grapes needs to be taken into consideration. For example, the grapes used could contain GMOs and other chemicals coming from pesticides. If your parrot likes to drink juices, you should consider getting only fresh-squeezed organic grape juice.
Or you could even make homemade grape juice.
Are Grape Seeds Safe For A Parrot?
Parrots can eat grape seeds safely and even benefit from good nutritional values. Grapes seeds are the tiny pip you see in the middle of grapes that taste bitter when you chew them.
If you have a small parrot and are worried that a choking accident can happen, you could cut grapes into smaller pieces, remove seeds and give them separately.
Parrots could consider grape seeds too bitter for their taste and refuse them.
Despite the bitter taste, grape seeds still contain many nutrients and antioxidants. Seeds are high in antioxidants, responsible for their colors (red, blue, or purple), and can help reduce inflammations and chronic diseases.
In addition, grape seeds are also rich in flavonoids and melatonin that help support heart and brain health. Here are the elements you can find in grapes seeds:
- Potassium
- Linoleum acid
- Copper
- Vitamin E
- Calcium
- Zinc
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Fibers
- Oils
- Proteins
- Water
- Other minerals
Can I Feed Grape Peels To Parrots?
In general, grape peels are not harmful to parrots; they contain good nutrients and are tasty. But unfortunately, unless you get organic grapes, your parrot could get some toxic chemicals from pesticide residues.
If you want to stay safe, you can buy some organic grapes for your parrot. Parrots do not need too much of it. You can provide a grape every couple of days, and your parrot will be pleased.
Even if you buy organic, since it is a small quantity, you will not spend a lot of money and can have grapes without pesticides for your parrot.
Or you can take the peel off each grape you give your parrot to make sure he eats only the best part without the danger of ingesting toxic chemicals.
Can Parrots Eat Dried Grapes?
Generally, parrots can eat dried grapes, although they contain less water and higher sugar content (and thus calories) than regular grapes. Dried grapes contain many good nutritional elements, but you should use extra care to give smaller portions to your parrot.
Dried grapes are made by taking out all the water from them, which leaves only the pulp, the sugar, and the nutrients. One of the positive aspects of dried grapes is that they keep all the nutrients and the density while simultaneously being minimally processed.
Here is what you can expect to find in dried grapes:
- Carbohydrates
- Sugar
- A few proteins
- A few fibers
- Iron
- Copper
- Potassium
- Manganese
- Vitamin B6
- Boron
Dried grapes contain a good amount of potassium, which contributes to lower blood pressure, supports the heart’s correct functioning, and prevents strokes. Despite the artificial production process, they also have many antioxidants compared with similar dried fruits.
You can also find soluble fibers in dried grapes, which are very helpful in improving the digestion process. Don’t feed too many dried grapes to your parrot; otherwise, your bird could get into situations such as:
- Weight gain
- Stomach problems
Your parrot might like dried grapes, and if you give them too many treats, you can make him gain weight or cause stomach pain or discomfort.
Can I Feed Grape Leaves And Vines To Parrots?
You can feed grape leaves and vines to your parrot. Grapevine contains fibers, vitamins C and E, and iron, all great in providing excellent nutritional value.
You could give them to your parrot to chew on them or even eat. Remember to give your parrot only good leaves that have not been sprayed with pesticides or any other chemical.
In addition, you should wash them to remove any dirt before giving them to a parrot.
Is It Okay To Feed A Baby Parrot Grapes?
Baby parrots can eat grapes as long as they are weaned. It is suitable for baby parrots to consume some grapes due to the nutritional value and the boost of energy they can provide.
Also, baby parrots can’t eat a lot of grapes due to the high fructose contained in them. So if you have baby parrots, you should be more cautious with the portions, making sure they get grapes a few times a week without exaggerating.
You can be extra careful and remove the seeds from the grape before giving them to the baby parrot to prevent a choking accident. Baby parrots might not know how to chew them yet.
Whether parrots are babies or adults, they can benefit from eating a few grapes throughout the week. In addition, grapes can be very beneficial to baby parrots in helping them grow up healthier by complementing their diet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Parrots Eat Green Grapes?
In general, parrots can eat green grapes and other grapes, such as red, black, and white grapes. All those types of grapes have the same valuable nutritional values (vitamins, minerals, and fibers) and benefits. But also have high sugar content.
Can Grapes Be Fatal For Parrots?
Grapes are not fatal for parrots unless you get grapes treated with many pesticides and feed your bird with a lot of them. Parrots can be affected by small amounts of chemicals and get sick. It is difficult for a parrot to ingest many harmful substances from a few grapes, but it is better to be cautious.
What Varieties Of Grapes Are There?
The most common grapes types are the red, white, and pink grapes. Amongst the red grapes, the most known are the Concord, Pinot Noir, Champagne, Valiant, Sweet Jubilee, Crimson Seedless, and Moon Drop. The most known varieties of grapes are Chardonnay, Riesling, and Sauvignon Blanc.
- Wikipedia, “Grapes,”, accessed April 27, 2022
- Healthline, “Top 16 health benefits of grapes,”, accessed April 27, 2022
- Healthline, “Daily Intake of Sugar — How Much Sugar Should You Eat Per Day?”, accessed April 27, 2022
- Wikipedia, “Grape Juice,”, accessed April 27, 2022
- WebMD,” Grape seeds health benefits,”, accessed April 27, 2022
- Epa.Gov, “Why we use pesticides”, “,be%20effective%20against%20specific%20pests, accessed April 27, 2022
- WebMD, ” Raisins: Are They Good for You?”, accessed April 27, 2022