Category: Cat Behavior

  • Cat eating a treat

    What to Do if Your Cat Only Eats Treats

    We all like to spoil our kitties and give them the best of the best, but what happens when they tend to overindulge? Cat treats are created to give them something tasty to snack on in-between meals, but sometimes our cats can become a little too attached to them. Whilst cat treats are not harmful…

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  • Should Cats Eat and Drink from the Same Bowls?

    Cats are notoriously quirky; no two cat owners will share the same anecdotes on their felines’ feeding time rituals. For example, my childhood cat preferred to share his mealtimes with the other pets, while my current senior citizen will not allow the dog so much as a sniff. All these oddities might bring up the…

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  • Do Cats Or Dogs Eat More? Four Fascinating Facts

    If you recently welcomed a kitten or a puppy to your household, you might be wondering how much they might eat compared to your adult dog or cat. In my personal experience, my Labrador would eat his bowl if he could chew through stainless steel, while my cat has leftovers some mornings. So, this got…

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  • Why do some cats prefer eating off the floor?

    Cats all have distinct personalities just like we do. Some may have quirky likes and dislikes and display behaviors we find puzzling. Cats are very expressive animals and each will have their own quirks. If you’re concerned about why your cat might be displaying a tendency to eat off the ground have no fear! It…

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  • What Do You Do If Your Cat Only Eats The Jelly?

    Cats are lovely—they’re relatively low maintenance, adorable when they want attention, and they usually do silly things that we humans find hilarious. However, cats can be fussy in many ways; they might prefer your used pile of clothes to the brand-new pet bed you got them or be incredibly picky eaters. Cats are very particular…

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  • Why Do Cats Throw Up And Eat It Back?

    If you are a first-time cat owner, welcome to the world of cleaning up vomit one o’clock in the morning. One positive side to this is if you have a sensitive stomach, you will be cured of the condition in no time, especially when your feline friend decides to start feasting away on the mess…

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  • Would a Cat Overeat and Die?

    Cats can be a little overenthusiastic when it comes to food. We all know that they might scream like they haven’t eaten in days when mealtimes come around. It’s only natural to worry about your kitty overeating—and think about the worst happening. Your cat will not die if they overeat—but they might get nauseous or…

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  • Bowl Vs. Plate: What Should Cats Eat From?

    When it comes to our beloved furry feline friends, we would like to offer them the best and most comfortable life we possibly can. From the quality of food to what we feed them out of. Should your cat eat out of a bowl or a dish? And why? It is best if you use…

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  • Can Cats See To Eat In The Dark?

    Cats are marvelous and magical creatures, and every cat owner can agree that there is never a dull moment in the presence of a cat. You have also most probably noticed that your cat gets a sudden burst of energy during the nighttime. This makes us wonder, how well can our feline friends see in…

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  • Cat Eating

    Here’s Why Your Cat Only Eats When You’re Around

    Cats have gained a bad reputation for being picky eaters, often turning their noses up at our best attempts of delicious food offerings. It’s their independent, haughty attitudes that have us believing we are no more than their food-providing slaves and that sometimes we are simply not doing a good enough job. But in truth,…

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