We love our cats and want to do our best for them. This includes grooming, medical care, and of course, diet. Choosing the right food is not always easy, and sometimes you may need to change food to facilitate your cat’s health. There are many warnings about feeding cats and changing their diets in various…
Should you be adding water to your cat’s wet cat food? Not necessarily. There are some cat owners who do add water into their cat’s already wet cat food, and you may be asking why? And should you be doing it too? It is fine to add water to wet cat food, but it is…
If you are trying to decide what type of food you should be feeding your cat, you may ask yourself which kind of food is more filling to your cat, wet or dry? Since you are going to be picking a type of food to buy your cat, it makes sense for it to be the food that…
There are a dizzying array of cat foods available. Royal Canin, Hills Science and Prescription Diets, and Purina are some of the most prominent brands. It is challenging to know which one to choose. Cat owners are often afraid choosing the wrong food will be detrimental to their cat’s health, but we do not know…
If you have owned cats, you will be familiar with the retching and vomiting that results in a nasty wet mass of hairball deposited somewhere in the house – usually on a hard-to-clean sofa or carpet! Some cats seem to have more hairballs than others. Owners often find the retching and vomiting disturbing. Pet food…
If you are like us, and you feel guilty leaving your cat at home alone, every morning you have to go for work, then we want to ensure you that you are not alone! Most cat owners stress about their kitties throughout the day. Are they safe? Are they happy? Are they Hungry? What if…
This is a question that many cat owners find themselves asking, and to some, keeping all the cat stuff together seems like the logical answer. This is uninformed, but with the correct information and reasons, you will be placing your cat’s food bowl at the optimal place! Deciding where to place your kitty’s food bowl…
Wanting to buy a big bag of cat food, but you are wondering if it will go bad before having the chance to use all of the food in it? Or are you maybe just wondering how to keep your bag of cat food fresh to ensure you are giving your cat the freshest food…
All cat owners want to do the best for their cats, including choosing the best food for them. There is a large variety of wet and dry cat food available. Most cat owners end up cleaning litter trays and so become intimately acquainted with their cat’s stools. It is unpleasant and worrying to clean loose…
What is the difference between dry cat food and cat treats? Why is one of these a dull part of their daily diet and the other a miraculous food that tastes like manna from heaven? We haven’t done taste tests, but the differences are quite broad! The difference between cat food and cat treats is…