We all know lovebirds are colorful birds that always come in pairs. We understand how they are, but we’re not aware of what lovebirds need.
Lovebirds are relatively hardy small parrots that require fresh water and food daily. The birds also require room temperature conditions that are not too dry and not too humid. Native to Madagascar and Sub-Saharan Africa, Lovebirds tend to like warm conditions.
We will talk about Lovebirds’ most essential things to know in the following words. The goal is for you to understand what it means and what is required to have these birds around.
What Are Lovebirds?
These little birds belong to the family of Parrots. But unlike the sizeable characteristic of regular Parrots, lovebirds tend to be smaller. The average size of lovebirds varies from five inches to a little over 6 1/2 inches, leaning towards how big Chestnut Munia birds are.
These creatures have a specific pattern on how they gather in large groups. They maintain a particular distance from one another. Lovebirds’ relationship reflects in how they retain proximity with one another. It shows their relationship affiliations. (source)
Physical Differences
A distinct physical feature of lovebirds is their peach-colored face and beak. The feathers on its body area are usually colored lime green or yellow in some cases. Like African Gray Parrots, Lovebirds have a small beak pointing downwards.
Another distinguishable characteristic of lovebirds is their zygodactyl feet. It means that their two toes point forward and the other two backward.
Many pet owners prefer to care for Lovebirds as these creatures tend to have a high success rate for breeding. They are charming and colorful, making them pleasing to watch and have around.
When Lovebirds mate, they usually do it only with one partner for life. It is seldom to find a Lovebird who would develop a fierce loyalty to more than one partner.
Lovebirds Have Strong Pairing Bonds
It is why these birds got the name “Lovebirds”. These creatures create strong links with one another. What Lovebirds need is company. They acted happier and more energized when they had other birds around.
Most Lovebird owners would tell you that these birds do not constantly interact with humans. It is because Lovebirds focus on each other most of the time. But this is no reason for one to care for a single Lovebird. You only have to give your Lovebird a companion and other toys they can play chew.
Lovebirds can form a strong bond with their mating partner or keeper (if they live alone in a cage). To teach them good tricks, you need first to form a relationship with them.
Despite their small size, Lovebirds are famous for being strong-willed and energetic. They act this way, especially when they are in a well-kept environment.
What Foods Do Lovebirds Love?
In a little while, we are going to discuss what Lovebirds need. It is essential to remember that these birds can only thrive when owners pamper them.
You must maintain a relationship with your pet. Get to know it and learn what Lovebirds need and love.
As far as building a relationship with Lovebirds, you must understand the nature of these birds. These birds operate in different ways.
Their processes differ significantly; it requires commitment and depth in knowledge to care for these birds properly.
Previous studies show that consistent proper feeding is crucial in the growing period. Different nutrients must be available to further growth and development among birds.
Lovebirds Thrive In Large Environments
What Lovebirds need is a place that they can share with their companion. Either with groups or with at least one partner who can also become their mate.
Most birds are sociable creatures, and they can be one by always moving around from one place to another. A lot of the Lovebirds we see today are from the continent of Africa.
Parrots and their species usually thrive in areas near the equator. This type of climate is favorable for them – not too cold and not too hot.
A 2014 research on a Lovebird’s habitat preferences showed that timber and floral resources are significant contributors to the existence of Lovebirds in a particular area.
In the wild, Lovebirds would travel in groups and their life companions. They are very friendly, and they like places where they are free to roam around and explore.
Notable Things In Taking Care Of Lovebirds

A Conducive Habitat
What Lovebirds need is a massive place to live. As much as possible, find a space where you can fit a large cage. Of course, buy a pen that can cater to the other items that your Lovebird would want.
The suggested dimensions for a Lovebird cage would be at least a 24-inch wide and 26 inches high. The cage bars should be less than 0.4 inches away from each other.
It prevents the Lovebirds from going out of the cage and prevents other birds from coming in.
Lovebirds are intelligent creatures, so you have to pay attention to the little details.
Size your cage so your Lovebird can also exercise its flight and legs. Keep in mind the number of Lovebirds you want to take care of in the future to allow ample extra space.
Proper Diet
Caring for any pet requires responsibility. Avoid monopolizing the diet of your Lovebirds to only one type of food.
What Lovebirds need is a diverse type of diet. You can feed Lovebirds a wide array of food, from fruits and vegetables to seeds.
According to research in 1978, rationing of food is pivotal for a bird’s ability to grow and reproduce. The basis of growth is observable in the increase in size and the performance of different body systems. (source)
As long as you expose your Lovebirds to different kinds of food, you will not have a problem feeding them. Birds only get picky about food when they get accustomed to one taste.
Avoid this, and you will not have a problem in the long run. Also, introduce new food to its diet in small amounts as it helps when you ease fresh food in their intake than force it.
Cage Accessories and Toys
Yes, you read that right. Lovebirds are intelligent birds; you can train and teach them different things.
Something to play with and explore is what Lovebirds need developmentally. You can expose them to one toy for short periods so they will not get bored fast.
You can also add accessories inside the cage to provide more comfort for your Lovebirds. Add items like shaped food containers and water dishes.
Putting the excellent quality of bedding will also pay off well, as this will help keep your cage clean. Lovebirds tend to move around a lot, so it’s helpful if you clean the base of your cage more often.
Birds will reflect what they feel in their surroundings. If you put Lovebirds in uncomfortable spaces, then they will act uncomfortably. Treat your Lovebirds as you would treat a family member.
But if you put them in spaces that allow room for healthy movement, you’re doing something right by them. The environment temperature also helps in determining the health of your Lovebird.
What Do Lovebirds Like The Most?
Lovebirds would almost always choose to eat either Sunflower seeds or Millet seeds. It is not because they can’t eat other grains; they would prefer to eat those two seeds at most.
For birds, seeds are like candies. Each has distinct flavors and colors that appeal to different kinds of Lovebirds.
Research by Perrin and Warburton showed that Lovebirds are also known to feed on leaves, flower nectar, the pulp of fruits, and even resin. Birds quickly adapt to their environment. But it helps when there are food variations available. (source)
While it may feel good to give what your Lovebirds would want, see to it that you give them a well-balanced diet. Birds need different nutrients to develop the necessary muscles they need for reproduction.
What Do Lovebirds Prefer?
Lovebirds like engaging in physical activities with their partner or peers; hence, a large cage is needed so their movements may not be too limited.
When Lovebirds live in very confined spaces, they tend to become depressed. Some even resort to self-harm. You must consider best the size of the cage you’re going to put them in.
What Lovebirds need is space enough to practice their flight and movements. They also like toys to play with to enhance further and stimulate their minds.
Being strong-willed, Lovebirds like to explore things. Give your pets something that they can play with or something that they can learn.
What Should Be In A Lovebird’s Cage?
Lovebirds need large amounts of space for flying and moving around in their cage. Physical activities contribute to the mental and physical development of Lovebirds.
You should have at least three perches for the Lovebirds to move on. Choose ones that vary to treat those as different branches they can land. Textures contribute to how Lovebirds perceive their environment.
You can add swings that can fit at least 2 Lovebirds at a time. These birds like to stay by each other, which is why something like this would be helpful for them.
Food and water containers should only be large enough to give the right amounts of food. Do not overfeed your Lovebirds.
Remember that what Lovebirds need will depend on how many birds you’re looking to keep. Choose according to the number of your Lovebirds.
What Makes A Lovebird Happy?
Since Lovebirds are very sociable creatures, what they need is a companion. May it be another Lovebird, a different species, or a human – it works for them.
These Lovebirds need affirmation and recognition. You’ll notice these as they become more loyal to you.
Lovebirds like showing off. It makes them happy that what they do is recognized and encouraged.
Lovebirds become happy when they eat the right amounts of food and when you eat with them. These creatures are very extroverted, as if they feed off the energy of other animals.
Lovebirds are such social beings that they have a communal breeding system. It is a system in which several males and females use one nest cavity for the females to lay eggs. (source)
It also makes Lovebirds happy when their human is petting them. Many are unaware of this, but their skin becomes itchy when Lovebirds shed their feathers. And it’s in these moments, they appreciate pats and caresses the most.
How Do Lovebirds Behave?
They would generally lower their head when you’re around to signal that they want to be pet. You can also scratch their skin lightly when they position their feathers towards you.
You could also take these signs as your Lovebird becoming more comfortable with you. They are not a very trusting species, but once they warm up to you, they remain very loyal to you.
Lovebirds Love People And Bonds
You can treat Lovebirds as you would a person with a deep soul in constant search of deep connection. It is how Lovebirds are pre-programmed as species to be around each other.
These birds also like to feed well. And what they want to eat the most are millet and sunflower seeds which are typical for most birds.
- Seibert, Lynne M. “Social Behavior of Psitaccine Birds” Accessed May 2022. https://books.google.com.ph/books?id=zeMcEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false
- Egwuman & Agbelus, “The Distribution, Abundance and Habitat Preference of Lovebirds Agapornis Pullario in Tiortyu Riparian Vegetation” Accessed May 2022. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jab/article/view/103706
- Baer, Richard E., “Balanced Ration for Love Birds” Accessed May 2022. https://journals.tdl.org/watchbird/index.php/watchbird/article/view/2915
- Perrin, MR., & Warburton, LS. “Foraging Behavior and Feeding Ecology of the Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis Nigrigenis in Zambia” Accessed May 2022. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2989/00306520509485484
- Spoon, Tracey R. “Parrot Reproductive Behavior, or Who Associates, Who Mates, and Who Cares?” Accessed May 2022. https://books.google.com.ph/books?hl=en&lr=&id=GmRPyX1a9hMC&oi=fnd&pg=PA63&dq=lovebirds+mating+behavior&ots=50PSNHlkcw&sig=1k9_0YvdkpFEm6qiwSILbPTOqoo&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=lovebirds%20mating%20behavior&f=false