Are you wondering how many types of orange parrots are there? Parrots are very colorful birds. The colors can range from green, red, blue, pink, black, yellow, and orange.
Although orange is not one of the primary colors on most parrots, some species are either fully colored with it or have some parts of their bodies colored in orange.
This article goes over the main types of orange parrots worth knowing.
How Do Parrots Get Their Colors?
Parrots are very colorful and bright birds. They can create such vibrant colors for their plumage and body because they have pigments called psittacofulvine that can make their feathers green, red, and yellow. But, at the same time, the blue is produced through the explosion of the sun.
It may seem that the coloration is happening randomly. In reality, parrots use their bright and vivid colors for accomplishing purposes such as mating, protecting themselves, and communicating with other birds.
Among the various pigments present in parrots, melanins, porphyrins, and carotenoids are responsible for most of the colors you see on them. For example, melanin is responsible for producing dark colors and black, and often it can create red, yellow, and brown.
Carotenoids are responsible for creating bright red colors, orange and yellow. Parrots use their colors for:
- Mating
- Communication
- Territory protection
- Get their food
- Hide
Why Are Colors Useful For Parrots?
In general, male parrots are very colorful, even more than females. One of the reasons for it is to attract a companion. The bright colors of the males attract female parrots. They can determine if they are healthy and a good candidate for mating.
Male with discolored feathers are more likely to be sick or have underlying health problems. In addition, the bright colors state their dominance over a specific territory and discourage other birds from attacking or coming close.
Parrots also use colors to communicate emotions such as fear, excitement, anger, and the intention to mate with other birds. Parrots can also understand if their newborns need more food from the variation of the colors of their feathers. In fact, colors can change when a small bird grows, so their mother knows to provide more food.
In addition, mother parrots can figure their little ones need more food if the colors of their feathers are not as bright as they should. Although bright colors are challenging to hide, parrots use them to hide amongst colorful flowers or fruits.
Which Types Of Orange Parrots Are There?
If you like orange, you should be happy to know that there are many types of parrots with this color. In general, many parrots’ primary color is green. Still, many have very bright colors, and orange can be part of them and sometimes can be the predominant color.
For example, some parrots may have orange bellies or wings, or their upper body can be orange.
Here are the most common types of orange parrots:
1. Sun Conure

A Sun Conure is a very friendly parrot with a powerful personality. They are medium-sized birds with colorful feathers, curved beaks, and long tails. Sun Conures are typically quite talkative. A grown-up Sun Conure is bright orange and yellow, with some parts blue and green.
But to really enjoy their bright orange color, you have to wait until they become adults because while they are still young birds, the predominant color is green. A Sun Conure has the following qualities:
- Cuddly
- Affectionate
- Intelligent
- Friendly and social
- Colorful
- Noisy at times
Another name for the Sun Conure is Sun Parakeet, and they are native to South America. It is easy to train a Sun Parakeet and can be a very cuddly bird. However, it can show signs of aggression when feeling provoked or threatened.
A peculiarity of this parrot is that it can be deafening at times. If you are not familiar with taming and training a parrot, teaching this bird his boundaries can be challenging. In addition, you have to provide daily interaction and socialization to keep him behaving correctly.
Despite this, the Sun Conure is a bright and funny bird and affectionate to the owner.
2. Dusky Lory

The Dusky Lory is a parrot originating from New Guinea, also called White-rumped Lory or Dusky-orange Lory. These Lorys are usually red, brown, and dusky orange. The body has stripes of brown and orange all over, specifically in the underparts and neck.
The beak is also dark orange, and the legs are gray. The female and male versions of this parrot have the same color; you cannot identify them from the external appearance. Duskies can be pretty loud birds that can emanate shrill cries and that chatter a lot.
In general, they are playful pets; they like to have toys around them and invent ways to play with them. They are energetic birds, and if you provide plenty of perches and toys, you can see them doing acrobatic tricks.
Duskies can be very affectionate and cuddly despite their energy and even snuggle under the blanket. However, since they are brilliant birds that like to experiment with new tricks and want to have attention, you need to be prepared to spend time with them every day.
In addition, if you treat this parrot very well, they can create a strong bond with you.
3. Rainbow Lorikeet

A Rainbow Lorikeet is a parrot native to New Guinea and Australia. They are very colorful; their bodies can be the following colors:
- Blue
- Green
- Orange
- Red
- Yellow
- Brown
Their face and belly are blue and have green feathers on the wings, head, and back. The beak is bright red and has dark feet. It is impossible to tell if they are males or females from their colors since they look similar.
With over 50 species of Lorikeet existing, this type of parrot is talkative and very colorful. They like to play with their owners and will require your attention whenever you are around them.
Rainbow Lorikeet Personality
It is not a parrot to adopt if you do not have much time because Rainbow Lorikeets need to be always in the middle of things when they happen.
One of the peculiarities of this bird is that it can live up to 30 years. It is friendly and affectionate, intelligent, can be trained to speak, do tricks, and be potty trained. In addition, they are friendly birds that like to socialize with humans and other birds.
Because they are brilliant, you can train them to do various tricks. But due to their intelligence, they like to explore, and if you are not cautious, they can find their way out of the cage. Although they are very friendly with other birds, territorial issues can come up, resulting in fights if they get jealous of them.
Rainbow Lorikeet can learn to say words and phrases and are sometimes noisy since they have shrill vocalizations and a high-pitched tone. In addition, since they are very active pets, they require a lot of exercise to stay healthy.
They need a large cage and several hours of playtime out of it (supervised) to fly and move around. They also require a lot of toys to play with and exercise with.
4. Orange-Bellied Parrot

Originating from Eastern Africa, they have a red and orange belly (male) and a green-orange colored belly (female). In addition, the male parrot has a green head and upper body part and yellow coloration in the lower part of the body.
The belly has an orange patch of about 1-inch diameter. The female is covered with a lighter green and has a smaller orange patch on the abdomen.
In general, they are quiet birds; they are not screeching or squealing like other parrots, making them perfect for living in apartment buildings. In addition, their personality is not intrusive. Although they like to play and are funny, they are affectionate, quiet, cuddly, and peaceful.
You could see them hanging upside down from things and doing silly things that make you laugh. They might not get along well with other birds and are sensitive to how people behave with them.
Orange-bellied parrots are great talkers; they can learn words, even mimic noises and sounds, and whistle. Although they need to be let out of the cage a few hours a day to socialize, play, and exercise, they are pretty independent birds.
5. Orange-Winged Amazon Parrot

Orange-winged amazon parrots are large birds usually found in Colombia and South America, Peru, Brazil, and Bolivia. They are green and orange and are medium-sized birds that can live up to 30 years.
In general, they are very social birds and extroverted. However, these Amazons are less talkative and way quieter than other parrots. So it is a good companion for people who want to have a pet that is not intruding too much into their life.
Although it is still a lively and energetic bird, it is easier to deal with its softer personality. The birds are affectionate and sweet birds that can bond with their owners. Despite their calmer attitude, they are still intelligent birds and quick learners.
Orange-winged amazon parrots are also very social with other birds. When they are not in their playing mood, they like to sit around and eat. You have to feed them healthy food to prevent them from becoming fat.
6. Orange-Fronted Parakeet

Orange-fronted parakeet or Orange-fronted Conure is a medium-sized bird usually found in Mexico and Costa Rica. It is green all over the body, with an orange forehead, and yellow color in the upper part of the body, while the tail is blue.
They are typically quiet birds, although they are still funny and friendly. They like to socialize with humans and make new friends.
They like to play and love to have a lot of toys around to stimulate their interest and have fun. Orange-fronted parakeets like to do tricks and can be pretty goofy when they play. They become affectionate to their owner and require daily attention and interaction to stay happy.
In addition, Orange-fronted parakeets are curious by nature and have no problems talking and chatting.
7. Senegal Parrot

A Senegal Parrot is green, orange, yellow, and brown. It is a small size bird and can live up to 30 years. Senegal parrots are playful and extroverted social birds, although they are relatively quiet and calm compared to other parrots.
They are adorable birds that like to interact with humans and sit on someone’s shoulder as long as possible. They can create a strong bond with their favorite human and want to have all the attention they can get.
These birds are generally quiet, although they can also learn to talk and learn many words and phrases. Because they are quiet, these birds are perfect for living in an apartments building.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where Can I Find Orange-Bellied Parrots?
Orange-bellied parrots naturally reside in South West Tasmania. However, they have the habit of migrating toward Australia’s south coast during winter to take advantage of warmer temperatures, and sometimes they can get as far as Sydney.
Is An Orange-Bellied Parrot A Mammal?
Orange-bellied parrots are not mammals like the rest of the parrots. Parrots are classified as Psittaciformes, belonging to the family of Psittacidae. It is normal to hear parrots called Psittacines. Mammals are supposed to have fur or hair. Instead, birds have feathers. In addition, mammals provide milk to their babies, which is not the case with Parrots.
What Is The Most Colorful Parrot?
There are a lot of beautiful and colorful parrots to choose from. For example, the Scarlet Macaws are beautiful birds colored in yellow, red, and blue. It is known as one of the parrots with the brightest colors. However, Sun Conures have rainbow colors and are attractive birds.
-, “Orange-bellied Parrot, “, accessed April 20, 2022
- Wikipedia, “Psittacofulvin,”, accessed April 20, 2022
- Wikipedia, “Dusky Lory, accessed April 20, 2022
- Lafeber, “Rainbow Lory” accessed April 20, 2022
- Wikipedia, “Orange-bellied parrots,” accessed April 2022
- TheSprucePets, “Rainbow Lorikeets: Species Characteristics & Care” accessed April 20, 2022
-, “The Relationship between Personality Dimensions and Resiliency to Environmental Stress in Orange-Winged Amazon Parrots (Amazona amazonica), as Indicated by the Development of Abnormal Behaviors,”, accessed April 20, 2022
- Wikipedia, “Orange-winged amazon,”, accessed April 20, 2022
- Wikipedia, “Orange-fronted parakeet, “, accessed April 20, 2022
- Wikipedia, “Conure,”, accessed April 20, 2022
- TheSprucePets, “ Jenday Conure,”, Accessed April 20, 2022
- Lafeber, “Jenday Conure Personality,”, accessed April 20, 2022