Cucumbers are a delicious refreshing veggie loved by many people animals, especially birds. However, are cucumbers good for birds?
Cucumber fruit is healthy, containing fiber, vitamins C, K, manganese, magnesium, and potassium. That being said, cucumbers are good for birds and the fruit should be part of their diet.
Are Cucumbers Good For Birds?
If you are a bird owner, birdseed is their regular diet. But apart from birdseed, your bird will also enjoy fruits and vegetables.
However, you may be wondering what fruits you can feed your bird. These foods should not only be appetizing for them; they should also be healthy, just like a cucumber.
But are cucumbers good for birds?
Are Cucumbers Safe For Birds?
Cucumbers are a healthy and delicious snack for birds. Though these fruits are crisp, birds have high metabolic rates, so it will be easy to digest a slice of cucumber.
Besides the cucumber flesh, the seeds are also good for your birds. Seeds are a typical food for birds, so cucumber seeds will also make a great snack.
Moreover, the standard way of feeding birds with cucumbers is to slice the fruit into slightly thick pieces. Then feed your bird with a few slices to provide them with vitamins and nutrients.
It is not ideal for including the skin as bird food. The reason is that cucumber skin may have pesticides or wax, which can negatively affect your feathered companion. (source)
Why Are Cucumbers Good For Birds?
Cucumbers are water-rich fruits. So, they are an excellent way to keep your pet hydrated.
It is also the most straightforward fruit to feed your bird since you only need to peel and chop it for your pet to enjoy.
However, such is not the only reason why cucumbers are good for birds.
Cucumbers contain an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals. That includes (source):
- Vitamins A, C, K, B1, B5, and B6
- potassium
- copper
- manganese
- protein
Vitamin A aids with your pet’s heart, vision, lungs, and kidneys properly functioning. On the other hand, vitamin K improves bone and blood health.
Suppose that’s not enough benefit for you. In that case, the fiber and protein content in cucumbers makes your bird’s feather healthy and shiny.
And since cucumbers are 96 percent water, they are especially ideal for birds with bowel issues. (source)
Will Cucumbers Cause Health Risks For Birds?
Feeding your bird with cucumbers is undoubtedly beneficial. This snack is easy to prepare, so it would only take a minute before your bird can enjoy it. But while cucumbers are a healthy bird food, you should also consider their adverse effects.
Cucumbers contain cucurbitacin, an element that can cause indigestion.
For this reason, giving your bird a large slice of cucumber can cause them to bloat.
Cucumbers Are Appetite-Suppressants
These fruits are highly satiating. So, feeding your bird with too many cucumber slices can suppress its appetite for other food like birdseed.
Since cucumbers have a high water content, feeding a significant portion to your bird may cause them to develop diarrhea.
Some feathered friends are allergic to cucumbers. If it is your bird’s first time eating this fruit, give it a tiny portion and observe for any adverse reactions. (source)
What Kind Of Cucumbers Should I Not Feed My Bird?
Humans have a habit of experimenting with any food, such as cucumbers. There are pickled cucumbers and even fried and steamed versions of this fruit.
Sure enough, such food preparation tastes fantastic for us humans. However, birds have a different digestive system, so feeding them with cucumbers that are not fresh will do no good.
Pickled cucumbers contain a lot of salt and sugar, and salt is toxic for birds. While a bit of pickled cucumber will not kill your bird, it will show signs of illness.
On the other hand, frying, steaming, and boiling cucumbers will strip them of their nutrients. Frying your cucumber will also make it high in saturated fat, which is unhealthy for birds.
What Should You Not Feed Birds?
Birds are generally not picky eaters. For this reason, they might eat anything that you serve them. However, just because your bird is eating a particular type of fruit does not mean it is safe for them.
While eating with your feathered friend is an excellent way to bond, sharing your food with them can do more harm than good.
That said, here are some of the most common foods that your bird should never eat (source):
1. Apple Seed And Fruit Pits
A lot of fruits are ideal for birds when consumed in small amounts. However, some fruit pits and seeds are not safe for birds, such as apples, cherries, plums, and apricots. The reason is that these fruit pits and seeds contain small amounts of a cardiac-toxic cyanide compound. (source)
But without the seeds and pits, the fruits mentioned earlier are entirely safe for birds.
2. Avocado
Avocado leaves contain persin, a substance similar to fatty acid. This substance kills fungus in the plant.
While persin is beneficial for avocado trees, it may cause breathing difficulty, heart damage, and weakness to birds. In worst cases, avocado can even kill your feathered friend.
3. Chocolate
It is common knowledge that chocolates are toxic to animals. Chocolates contain caffeine and theobromine, two substances that can induce diarrhea and vomiting in birds.
Caffeine and theobromine can also cause seizures, increased heart rate, and even death.
4. Garlic And Onions
Garlic contains the chemical allicin. When consumed, this chemical will weaken your bird and cause it to develop anemia.
Meanwhile, onions have sulfur compounds that can irritate your feathered friend’s mouth lining, esophagus, and crop. Such can result in ulcers and ruptured red blood cells. (source)
A Takeaway To Feeding Your Bird With Cucumbers
Are cucumbers good for birds? These fruits are a good snack for your pet, but they are also a great source of nutrients.
Cucumbers contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals, which are essential to keeping your bird healthy. These fruits are also 96 percent water. So they are an excellent way to keep your pet hydrated.
However, it is not ideal for feeding your bird with cucumber skin, especially if you bought your cucumber in a grocery store. Store-bought cucumbers may contain wax and pesticides that can cause your pet health problems.
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- Jacob Henry Studer. Birds of North America: One Hundred and Nineteen Artistic Colored Plates Representing the Different Species and Varieties, Drawn and Colored from Nature. Chicago. Natural Science Association of America, 1897.
- Bloomsbury Publishing. Super Food: Cucumber. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017.
- B.S. Ghai. Darwinism An Unconceivable Hypothesis. Academic Book Depot. Ludhiana: Academic Book Depot, 2009.
- Nikki Moustaki. Parrots For Dummies. USA: John Wiley & Sons, 2021.