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  • Why do some cats prefer eating off the floor?

    Why do some cats prefer eating off the floor?

    Cats all have distinct personalities just like we do. Some may have quirky likes and dislikes and display behaviors we find puzzling. Cats are very expressive animals and each will have their own quirks. If you’re concerned about why your cat might be displaying a tendency to eat off the ground have no fear! It…

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  • The Best And Worse Spots For Your Cat’s Food Bowl

    The Best And Worse Spots For Your Cat’s Food Bowl

    This is a question that many cat owners find themselves asking, and to some, keeping all the cat stuff together seems like the logical answer. This is uninformed, but with the correct information and reasons, you will be placing your cat’s food bowl at the optimal place! Deciding where to place your kitty’s food bowl…

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  • 13 Effective Ways To Make Your Cat Eat Slower

    13 Effective Ways To Make Your Cat Eat Slower

    Every cat owner knows the excited meowing, pleading stare, and rubbing against your legs on the way to the food bowl. But often, after feeding them, we hear that indistinguishable sound we know all too well, sending us running to clean up their vomit. Do you have one or multiple cats that eat too fast?…

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  • The 10 Best And 10 Worst Bowls For Cat Foods

    The 10 Best And 10 Worst Bowls For Cat Foods

    As cat lovers, we tend to pay close attention to the food we feed our furry friends. A healthy and nutritionally balanced meal is essential to ensure they are happy and healthy. Although it is vital to give them the best food, have you ever considered whether the bowls you serve it in could be…

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  • What Do You Do If Your Cat Only Eats The Jelly?

    What Do You Do If Your Cat Only Eats The Jelly?

    Cats are lovely—they’re relatively low maintenance, adorable when they want attention, and they usually do silly things that we humans find hilarious. However, cats can be fussy in many ways; they might prefer your used pile of clothes to the brand-new pet bed you got them or be incredibly picky eaters. Cats are very particular…

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  • Why Do Cats Throw Up And Eat It Back?

    Why Do Cats Throw Up And Eat It Back?

    If you are a first-time cat owner, welcome to the world of cleaning up vomit one o’clock in the morning. One positive side to this is if you have a sensitive stomach, you will be cured of the condition in no time, especially when your feline friend decides to start feasting away on the mess…

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  • Would a Cat Overeat and Die?

    Would a Cat Overeat and Die?

    Cats can be a little overenthusiastic when it comes to food. We all know that they might scream like they haven’t eaten in days when mealtimes come around. It’s only natural to worry about your kitty overeating—and think about the worst happening. Your cat will not die if they overeat—but they might get nauseous or…

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  • Is A Valerian Overdose Possible For Cats?

    Is A Valerian Overdose Possible For Cats?

    Pet owners enjoy spoiling their pets and enriching their lives where possible. Most people know that some cats love catnip. They will play with toys stuffed with catnip for hours. Other substances have a similar effect to catnip, and valerian root is one of them. Cats are attracted to catnip and will have a wild…

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  • Is Friskies Good For Your Cat?

    Is Friskies Good For Your Cat?

    As cat lovers, we all want to make sure that our cats are happy, healthy, and get the most nutritional food. Therefore, knowing the true quality of cat food is vital to ensure that they receive food that supports their health and well-being. If you are feeding your kitties Purina’s Friskies dry or wet food,…

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