The Lifespan Of The Eclectus Parrot
You may be looking to add an Eclectus parrot to your family. Naturally, you would want to know the lifespan of the Eclectus parrot. This guide provides insight into how long these feathery friends live and more.
Various sources consider 30 years to be the average lifespan of the Eclectus parrots. 28.5 years is the maximum reliable age of the bird recorded. Some sources have also reported a 40.8 years lifespan.
How Long Do Eclectus Parrots Live As Pets?
People have noted Eclectus parrots living in the wild live longer than those in captivity. Many consider it unnatural because most pet birds live longer in captivity than in the wild. Many attribute this to the risks they face in the wild such as being prey, diseases, and poor diets.
The Eclectus parrot, in particular, they have predators such as owls, Falcons, snakes, and monitors ready to hunt them.
One of the reasons parrots in captivity live longer is because of the proper care they receive. The nutrition they receive plays a prominent role in this. However, Eclectus parrots haven’t been in captivity for long; therefore, the diet they receive hasn’t been great. So much so the lowest lifespan of an Eclectus parrot in captivity recorded is about eight years.
They were not kept in captivity in large numbers until the 1980s. Over the years, however, this has begun to change.
While you may feed pet birds as best as possible, they may decide to be picky. For example, if given foods rich in salt and fat, they may choose them over others. It is because of their pleasant taste. They will then begin to gain weight. Many advise you should give them formulated foods to control their weight and still receive a balanced diet.
Being herbivores, Eclectus parrots feed on nuts, berries, nectar, fruits, and blossoms in the wild. They can either feed in flocks, pairs, or on their own. They use hook-shaped beaks to crack seeds open and take out the pulp in fruits.
Other than formulated foods, Eclectus parrots benefit from other foods in captivity. These include vegetables, fruits, and leafy greens. Common fruits include; guavas, figs, melons, bananas, mangos, apples, and pears.
Generally, the average lifespan of these birds is unknown. However, some sources give an approximation of 30 years. The range of their lifespan in captivity is between 20.8 years and 40.8 years. However, in the wild, they have been recorded to live as high as 50 years.
Are Eclectus Parrots Good Pets?

Eclectus parrots are great pets if you know what you’re doing with parrots. They are among the popular birds who are kept captive amongst the more advanced. They are unique in that while they are easy to breed, they are difficult to hand feed.
Eclectus parrots are both docile and friendly. Their beauty and calm nature appeal to people who like pretty birds that aren’t fussy. However, not every bird lover will be a perfect fit for Eclectus parrots. These birds require a calm environment with a steady routine.
Eclectus parrots require adequate care and attention. Individuals working long hours and traveling for long periods would be better off with a different type of bird.
With proper nutrition, Eclectus parrots can live up to 30 years. It means they would be part of a family for a very long time. The loss accompanied by pet death, therefore, would be minimized. However, this also means that owning these birds would be a long-term commitment that requires adequate thought before commitment.
Eclectus parrots are playful birds. They enjoy having toys around, flapping wings, hanging upside down, interacting with other birds and humans as well—an indication they would be a joy to have around.
While having birds sit on shoulders is discouraged by many bird owners, it may not be accurate. Usually, caretakers avoid this in an attempt to keep birds from dominating. This train of thought is more appropriate, however, for wild birds.
Some publications advise that the infant birds be allowed to sit on their owners’ shoulders. With time, the shoulder will possibly become one of their favorite spots.
Eclectus parrots are clean birds. First, they can be potty trained with ease. Also, they are not the kind to throw food around, and these birds don’t have feather dust. It is thanks to the presence of an oil gland instead of a dust gland.
These birds are intelligent and very observant. They keep their eyes on their owners, watching their every move. They also show interest to everyone and not just their owners. The small Solomon Island Eclectus has been praised as the most docile and calm of the subspecies.
As mentioned before, these birds are playful in nature. They require cages with adequate space for moving around. They also need enough time spent with their owners outside the cage. When confined, they can quickly become unhappy and restless.
Are Eclectus Parrots Loud?
In the early morning, it’s common to hear wild and captive birds vocalizing. Also, when these birds communicate in their flock, they must be loud to hear each other. Unfortunately, some don’t realize they aren’t in wide-open spaces.
Parrots may also contact their owners after every few seconds by screaming, generally asking if they are around. Accepting the noise as calls makes it more bearable and acceptable.
Preventing birds from making their normal vocalizations would be unwise and unkind. It is because it would be taking away from their natural behaviors.
Incessant screaming, however, could be an indication of an issue. When ill, for example, birds may pluck, bite and scream. Lack of enough sleep for young birds, in particular, could be a reason. Death or change in flock composition may also elicit this reaction.
Eclectus parrots are very receptive to people and not just to their owners. Having a tranquil nature plays a significant role in this. They are also good with children. However, they don’t tolerate constant disturbing noise and frantic activity. Teaching children how to interact with the Eclectus bird is necessary.
Eclectus parrots have a normal response to fear. It is also known as the fight or flight response. If they feel frightened or unsafe, these birds scream and quickly fly in whichever direction.
The chirping of an Eclectus parrot can be as high as 115 decibels. When these birds are in the air, they often screech. The screeching sounds like ‘krraach-krraak’. They may also release soft whistles or cry’s when feeding. When male and female birds pair, they make ‘chee-ong’ sounds.
The sounds these birds make can range from whistles and screeches to loud, high-pitched squawks. When male Eclectus return to their nests with food, they are shown gratitude and acknowledgment with a chime-like call.
There are various approaches to dealing with screaming birds. Most times, owners opt to scream back at these birds to correct the situation. However, this makes matters worse as it acts as positive reinforcement for the birds.
Actions such as yelling at the bird or rushing to their aid when they scream accord them the attention they were seeking. If repeatedly done, birds learn that through screaming, they get attention. They will continue doing this in the future to attract attention.
Are Eclectus Parrots High Maintenance?

Pet birds require adequate care for their general wellbeing. Any form of neglect, nutritionally or socially, may deteriorate their health.
Factors to consider before adopting an Eclectus parrot include; their cages, how much the birds cost, the type of food to give them, and the availability of a veterinarian in case of illnesses.
In the United States, purchasing an individual Eclectus parrot ranges from $600 to $2000. Besides the initial cost, owners will require toys, water and food dishes, and other recurring expenses such as check-ups.
Cage Sizing
The general rule with Eclectus parrots is purchasing the largest cage one can afford. 32x32x32 inches is the minimum cage size recommended to owners. With this, parrots are allowed adequate safe space to fly around.
Eclectus parrots require appropriate foods to keep them healthy. These birds feed on nuts, fruits, and other flowering plants in the wild. Their diet should comprise 30% pellets, 5% seeds and grain, and 65% fresh vegetables and fruits at home.
The vegetables and fruits fed to the birds should be subtropical and tropical fruits. It includes passion fruits, bananas, berries, and mangoes.
Special Diet
One of the distinctive features of Eclectus parrots is that they require a low-fat, high-fiber diet compared to other birds. It is because of their uniquely long digestive tract. It ensures they don’t get fatty tumors.
Eclectus parrots can have jealous tendencies. It is despite their ability to live in households with multiple birds. You should, therefore, give them undivided attention and time.
Peace Vs Commotion
Households with constant noise are uncomfortable for Eclectus parrots. They prefer calm environments and dislike activities that startle them. It includes screaming, crying, and barking. Family dynamics play a prominent role in ascertaining how comfortable they will be.
There are various behavioral problems the Eclectus parrot can exhibit. It includes biting, screaming, and feather plucking.
Keeping an eye on these behaviors can help detect when issues arise.
It’s uncommon for wild parrots to bite each other. Instead, they share their feelings beforehand, and sometimes they fly away to prevent physical contact. Pet Eclectus hardly bite except when they feel frightened.
Breeding Season
When it’s their breeding season, in particular, these birds have an instinct to self-preserve. At this time, they become protective of their surroundings and themselves.
Mouthing is observed in baby Eclectus and expresses affection towards their owners. Mouthing is when they use their beaks to play with owners’ fingers. While the bird is not trying to bite at this point, this behavior shouldn’t be encouraged.
Instead of suddenly pulling out one’s hand, the baby birds should be distracted with toys. Also, using harsh voices should be avoided as it could scare them.
Unhappy birds tend to pluck their feathers. The Eclectus’ sensitive nature contributes to this. Owners should seek to identify the underlying causes of this behavioral change. It may include stress, boredom, disease, sexual frustration, or nutritional imbalance.
By consulting an avian veterinary doctor, these issues can be made clear. Allowing the feather plucking to persist may cause the bird to develop an incurable feather plucking habit.
If entertained with toys and chewable branches, parrots can be particularly quiet. By staying occupied throughout the day, these birds will stay content. Acts of neglect can result in loneliness which may lead to prolonged screaming.
You should consult bird behaviorists and avian veterinarians if the screaming becomes habitual. It is to avoid keeping the behavior change from becoming uncontrollable.
Are Eclectus Parrots Social?
Eclectus parrots are social birds. They enjoy interacting with their owners and with other birds. Their playful nature has them hanging upside down in cages and flapping wings.
Their cages need lots of exciting additions to keep them busy and entertained. It includes toys and chewable branches.
Households with calm and steady routines are the best fit for these birds. Constant noise disturbances would result in the bird getting distressed. Children, in particular, should be taught how to behave around the birds.
Are Eclectus Parrots Good Talkers?
Parrots are known for their talking abilities. They are fascinating because they can formulate simple sentences and mimic human speech and other sounds. For that, parrots are among the most intelligent birds.
Eclectus parrots are among the best bird species to train how to speak. Other species include African greys and Amazons. These birds tend to learn fast.
Eclectus are known to be quieter when compared to other birds. However, they can have loud and startling vocalizations that are distinct. Also, they possess the ability to build a strong vocabulary.
Factors that affect the talking abilities of an Eclectus parrot include its bond with its owner, age, status, and the individual bird. The sounds they can mimic include laughter, sneezing, ovens, opera, and the microwave.
While the actual lifespan of Eclectus parrots isn’t certain, these birds can live long in the right conditions. Owners can look at spending about 30 years with this bird. Therefore, families can be prepared to have a long-term feathered friend with an Eclectus parrot.
However, their lifespan also means careful consideration needs to be taken before purchasing the bird. It is to avoid committing to a responsibility one can’t handle, for example, not spending enough time with the bird, which would negatively impact its mental state.
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