The 10 Friendliest Parrots



The 10 Friendliest Parrots


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Not all parrot species are created equally. Some are friendly, some are messy, and some are noisy. Choosing the best companion parrot is essential, and its pretty feathers have nothing to do with it. So, what is the friendliest parrot? 

The ten friendliest companion parrots are the African Grey Parrot, the Lilac-crowned Amazon, the Red-lored Amazon, the companion Budgies, Cockatiels, the Bare-eyed Cockatoo, the Moluccan Cockatoo, the Umbrella Cockatoo, the peach-faced lovebird, and Macaws. 

Not only are these species the friendliest, many parrot experts consider them to be the most affectionate. They may have their ups and downs (some may be noisy), but they are the friendliest of the flock. 

Please note that not all Macaws are friendly but specific breeds. However, please keep reading to know more about these breeds and their friendly temperaments.  

What Is The Friendliest Parrot?

According to Nikki Moustaki in his book Parrots for Dummies, here’s a list of the most commonly kept parrots. They are popular as companion parrots because of their temperaments. However, a huge disclaimer, parrots are their own individuals. 

A parrot species could be on this list, but their personality is different from the species’ general temperament. You might have to spend some time with your desired companion parrot to understand more of its personality. 

  1. The African Grey Parrot 
  2. The Lilac-crowned Amazon
  3.  The Red-lored Amazon 
  4. The companion Budgies 
  5. Cockatiels 
  6. The Bare-eyed Cockatoo
  7.  The Moluccan Cockatoo
  8.  The Umbrella Cockatoo 
  9. The peach-faced lovebird
  10.  Macaws. 

Not all parrot species are alike. Some are friendly (something similar to mojito cats). In contrast, others are aggressive to other birds (whether or not they’re in the same species) and humans. 

Let’s take a look at these friendly parrots in detail:

The African Grey Parrot

African Grey Parrot
The African Grey Parrot

The African Grey Parrot (native to the DRC) is one of the most intelligent companion parrots. Both in the wild and captivity, the African Grey Parrot is gentle. They are gentle to members of their species as well as their caretakers. 

Their friendliness and intelligence make them one of the most popular companion parrots. 

The Lilac-Crowned Amazon

Lilac-Crowned Amazon
The Lilac-crowned Amazon is an excellent bird for novices

The Lilac-crowned Amazon is an excellent bird for novices if you’re looking into parrots and want a companion parrot. It’s a calm, affectionate, and friendly parrot. It may not have bright-colored feathers, and it’s not as noisy, but it’s a great companion to help you get started. 

The Red-Lored Amazon

Red-lored Amazon
The Red-Lored Amazon

The Red-lored Amazon is another affectionate, calm, and friendly parrot. Sometimes they can also be clownish, but their personalities have made them one of the most popular species for companion parrots. 

The Budgies


Budgies are the most popular companion parrots in the entire world. They are friendly, affectionate, and easy to tame. Not only that, but they’re not as loud (there’s a difference between loud parrots and chatterboxes). 



Second in line in popularity after the budgies are the cockatiels. They are also affectionate, friendly, and easy to tame. Experts suggest getting a female cockatiel over a male cockatiel. Males tend to have more hostile personalities than females. 

Cockatiels are also bird-friendly and can be kept together with budgies. Just make sure they have ample space in their enclosure. 

The Bare-Eyed Cockatoo

Bare-eyed Cockatoo
The Bare-Eyed Cockatoo

The Bare-eyed Cockatoo is also known as the Little Corella Cockatoo. They are demanding and attention-seeking little birds, but they are incredibly affectionate. It would be in your best interest not to leave this species alone, or else they’ll get destructive.

The Moluccan Cockatoo

Moluccan Cockatoo
The Moluccan Cockatoo

The Moluccan Cockatoo is a large bird that craves love and attention. They will also consistently demand attention. You should note that they will get temperamental if you leave them alone. Moluccan Cockatoos are known for plucking their feathers when upset.

The Umbrella Cockatoo

The Umbrella Cockatoo, aka The White Cockatoo
The Umbrella Cockatoo

The Umbrella Cockatoo, aka The White Cockatoo, is a silly, affectionate, and clingy companion parrot. The species is exceptionally clingy of their human caretakers. They also love companionship and won’t do well if left alone. 

If the parrot is unhappy, it will start to pluck its feathers like the Moluccan Cockatoo.

The Peach-Faced Lovebird

Peach-faced Lovebird
The Peach-Faced Lovebird

The Peach-faced Lovebird, the ‘Peachie,’ is also an affectionate parrot companion. Male Peachies are sweet but reserved, while female Peachies will nip at you and be argumentive.  

One thing about the Peachie is that they’re adorable. 



There are around 20 species of Macaws, and they are known for being affectionate and friendly, in general. As long as the Macaw is well-socialized, it will be friendly and loving. It would be in your best interest to personally get to know a Macaw, and you can judge your relationship with the bird. 

These are not the only friendly parrot species. Out of the 405 parrot species, there are numerous other friendly species. The parrot’s personality and gender may make a massive difference in its relationship and chemistry with its caretaker. 

Not only that, but neglected and abandoned parrots may be challenging to handle for novice bird owners. So if you find a parrot on this list that’s not friendly, numerous factors may have played a part in its temperament. 

It’s why experts recommend interacting with the parrots first before sealing the deal. 

What To Consider When Picking A Companion Parrot 

There are several considerations you need to take into account before picking a companion parrot. Here are the top 5 considerations you need to make before choosing a companion parrot:

The Chemistry Between You And The Parrot

Your personality plays a part in your relationship with you and your prospective parrot. Remember, parrots are individuals. They have their unique personalities, and how the two of you come together will determine whether it’s capable of being your companion parrot. 

The best way to understand your chemistry is by spending time with them and other birds. Another concern is that some parrot species are one-person birds while others can co-exist in a family environment. 

Different Species, Different Character Traits

Like human beings, parrots species come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. Don’t judge a book by its cover. But in this case, don’t judge a parrot by the beauty of its feathers. 

For example, the Amazons and Macaws are chewers. They need a lot of chewing material like wood and paper. On the other hand, you have Cockatiels and budgies that are lighter birds and require extensive wing clipping, unlike other parrots. 

You also have Cockatoos that need several preening toys and rope toys. All of these parrots made it on the ‘friendliest parrots list.’ However friendly they are, they have different needs and wants. So it would be best if you came prepared to accommodate your companion bird. 


Parrots are well-known for their complex communication skills that can sometimes be borderline noise. Studies show that screaming is one typical behavior seen in companion parrots. 

In some cases, it can be excessive screaming. Fortunately, one rule of thumb is that a parrot’s noise is directly proportional to its size. 

Again, not all species are the same. Some parrots have almost offensive noise levels, but others do not. According to Nikki Moustaki, African parrot species are quieter than other birds. 

The Mess

All parrots are messy. They shred, chew, poop, and spill water to their delight but at the cost of yours. The only reprieve you might have is that the smaller the bird, the less the mess. 

One of the species mentioned on this list is the lovebird. They are known to fling seeds out of their dish and onto the floor. Not only that but they are also known for shredding paper. 

Another messy species is the Amazon. They will shred and chew anything within their reach. Experts advise having constant supervision to prevent them from doing so.

Lastly, the African Grey Parrot, cockatiels, and cockatoos are known for spreading feather dust. 

The Price Of The Parrot

Budgies are the cheapest parrots to get. They retail for $7-$14. On the other hand, you have Macaws, the most expensive, and they can retail for up to $10,000. The hyacinth macaw is the only parrot species at that price tag. 

The rest of the species cost between these price points. Maintainance costs such as food, enclosure, and veterinary fees should remain the same regardless of the species. 


As shared earlier, parrots are known for their complex communication ability. However, some of these parrots are ‘chattier’ than others. Here are the chatterboxes of this group:

  • The African Grey Parrot
  • Budgies (Parakeets)
  1. Family Friendliness

As shared earlier, some parrots are family or child-friendly, while others are one-person parrots. Not all the parrots on this list fall in the family-friendly category. Budgies are one great example of a family-friendly parrot. 

If you’re interested in family-friendly parrots, then be sure to keep reading for additional information. 


Some parrots are bird-friendly, while others can turn aggressive to other birds whether or not they belong to the same species. Budgies also fall in this category of bird-friendly parrots. They can co-exist (given a lot of space) with other birds. 

Again, for more information on bird-friendly parrots, then keep reading more.  

Are Budgies Friendly?

Budgies are the friendliest parrot species. Not only that, but they are incredibly affectionate. Budgies are the most popular companion parrots globally because of their friendliness, affection, and easy taming. 

What Are The Best Parrots For A Family?

What Are The Best Parrots For A Family?
What Are The Best Parrots For A Family? We Find Out!

Parrots have a beak, and with that beak comes power and a bite of responsibility. Here are some of the child-friendly companion parrots:

  • Budgies
  • Cockatiels
  • Pionus
  • Rosellas

Size doesn’t mean that they will be friendly. Smaller birds do nip at children. It would be best if you kept lovebirds and lorries away from children. They may be small, but they do have a bite. 

What Are The Bird-Friendly Parrots?

Some parrots are friendly to other birds, but others are not. Some parrots can be aggressive to other parrots in the same species. So, if you want to have more than one companion parrot, here are some of the bird-friendly companion parrots:

  • Budgies and Cockatiels
  • Hanging parrots, Budgies, and Cockatiels

Ensure that these birds have a lot of space in their enclosure to avoid any mishaps. 

The Best Parrots For Beginners

Suppose you’re a novice caretaker looking for a friendly species to help you get started. In that case, the top companion parrots are here.

  1. Budgies
  2. The Lilac-crowned Amazon
  3. Cockatiels
  4. Lovebirds

Not only are these companion parrots, but they are also easy to tame. They make the best companion parrots. 

Ensure that you weigh in on their personality before making them a permanent addition to your home. The chemistry between you and the parrot holds a heavy significance.

What’s The Most Aggressive Parrot?

An aggressive parrot can be a result of many factors. Some parrots are aggressive because of their gender. 

Some males or females may differ in personality due to some biological factors. Other parrots may be aggressive due to being neglected and abandoned. 

Any parrot species not on this list may have a nasty bite than you expect. It would be in your best interest to stay clear from their beaks and give them their space. 

The African Grey Parrot And Its Current State

The African Grey Parrot is a popular breed among bird owners. Unfortunately, according to the IUCN Red List, the African Grey Parrot is an endangered species, a declining population. The IUCN or the International Union for Conservation of Nature is an organization that provides real-time information on the state of species on the planet. 

Unfortunately, the Grey Parrot is on that list and needs conservation efforts to help battle its ongoing threats. 

In The End.

Budgies are the friendliest companion parrots. They are affectionate, easy to tame, and great for beginners. Cockatiels are second in the friendliness category and offer the same benefits as budgies. 

Parrots are their own individuals and, despite the species, can differ in personality due to external factors. Be sure to care and form deep trust bonds with your parrot. 

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