The Many Types Of Parrots



The Many Types Of Parrots


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Parrots are favorite pets all around the world. How could they not be? With their vivid colors and brilliant personalities that can entertain for hours at a time. The great thing about them is their variety. Not only in color, attitude, and speech behavior but in the many genera and species this order of Psittaciformes has. 

There are budgerigars, cockatoos, cockatiels, blue-and-gold macaws, African grey parrots, and the list goes on. In existence, there are over 350 species of parrot. There is something unique about each of them. (source)

They all love to interact with humans. So it is rewarding to the owners who know how to bring the very best out of them. Let’s explore the many types of parrots that are out there!

There are many beloved species of parrots, but like all things of variety, there is an ultimate favorite—the Budgerigar, also known commonly as parakeet and lovingly nicknamed as a budgie. 

They are so spectacularly famous for their easy-going nature, but they get lonely quickly, and therefore it’s best to have them in pairs. Although they have a few flaws, it does seem minor when they appear to have the package of so many other good things. Budgies are cheap, small, and require little space. They speak exceptionally well in human speech. Also, they are the ideal pets for people who have never had a parrot before. They require little training and are easy to handle. As most parrots do, they live for decades, and they will be inexpensive to maintain during those years.

Which Parrot Is Least Likely To Bite

The hyacinth macaw is one of the most obedient parrots. Unusually, these birds use their full bite strength. It’s the parrot that’s least likely to bite.

Other friendly parrots could very quickly take this title depending on whether owners meet their requirements and if you show them the love and attention they need. Some parrot species are known for being passive and docile. If trained well, they should not bite.

Which Is The Most Friendly Type Of Parrot

It depends on the environment of each parrot. For example, a cockatiel could be very friendly and thrive in one setting but be unhappy and unruly in another.

If you fulfill their needs, they’ll be pretty friendly. A parrot alone in its cage for extended periods will become unpleasant no matter how close. They need to mingle, and they require training.

Which Parrot Speaks The Best

The budgies have broken world records for the most extensive bird vocabulary. Yet, the African Grey parrot speaks the best. They are brilliant birds. Besides mimicking words heard, they can not only learn them but use them in context for simple conversations. However, it takes years of training for that to happen.

What’s The Easiest Parrot To Keep

Budgies and cockatiels are inexpensive birds to buy, and they remain inexpensive to maintain. They are docile and easy to train. Budgies would be the preferred choice between the two. They are small, make much less noise than a cockatiel, and have plenty of other passive parrot species. However, these parrots are more expensive; lovebirds, parrotlets, hyacinth macaws, and green-cheeked conures, to name a few.

Are Parrots Intelligent  

Are Parrots Intelligent? Find out at
Are Parrots Intelligent?

It is impressive how clever they are. Parrots make up a large percentage of animals that can mimic human speech. They share a few traits with humans. These traits are their sociability and that they are capable of complex vocalizations. Surprisingly, this is because their brain and human brains have similar genes for brain development. The Guinness World Records reports that a budgie named Puck had a vocabulary of 1728 words. How amazing is that?

These birds are also considered brilliant because of the way they have adapted in the wild. They form flocks to search for food and to scare away predators. Research, too, confirms their remarkable problem-solving skills. Everything they do is evidence of their intelligence.

Can Parrots Fly

Parrots can fly remarkably well. The speed at which they can fly ranges from 40 mph(64 km/h) to 50 mph (80 km/h). Many species migrate. Pet parrots prefer to stay in the safety and comfort of their home. It is rare for them to fly away. But their 41 to 45 inches wide wingspans could assist them in flight. Some parrots have had their wings clipped, making it difficult to fly with no wind. When flying long distances, they take few breaks. They have stamina. They are such great flyers because, in the wild, it’s one skill they have that might guarantee their survival.

What Do Parrots Have In Common

Parrots are zygodactyl. It means they have four toes on each foot – two points forward and two points backward. They have curved beaks, and most of them have the same omnivorous diet.

All of these animals occur across the world in warm climates. All parrots usually mate during Spring or the warmer months in their habitat. Before they can reproduce sexually, these birds court each other by fluttering their wings and dancing. They also have in common that they take care of their offspring. (source)

What Are The Differences Between Parrots

A few apparent differences are the fact that they are different species. There are differences in size as well among the species. Some are large and some small. Little of them believe in monogamy and mate with one parrot for life. On the other hand, others have no problem changing the parrots they mate. Some parrots breed once a year and others up to 3 times a year. Tropical climates are home to most of them, but the handful left enjoy cold, snowy climates, such as the thick-billed parrots. Certain species have a more challenging time with the human vocabulary than other species. Of course, their feather colors vary as well. 

What Do Parrots Eat

Parrots are omnivorous. It means they indulge in both plants and creatures. Their diet is more on seeds, nuts, flowers, fruit, and vegetables. They eat worms and insects sometimes, but they shouldn’t if they are being fed antibiotics or other medication as they are susceptible to developing high cholesterol. It becomes better to raise them as herbivores.


There are many types of parrots – small and big. Budgerigars, cockatoos, macaws, and parakeets, to name a few of them. Like all things that have variety, there is a favorite. The budgerigars claim this title. It’s no surprise, as they are passive, small, affordable, and cheap to pet. They are not perfect. 

Their Social Skills

Budgerigars can be sensitive. They do, however, possess the other abilities one naturally looks for in a parrot. The hyacinth macaw naturally chooses not to bite using full force or not bite. It makes the parrot that’s least likely to bite. Other compliant species of parrot, if appropriately trained and pampered, won’t bite either.

Parrots are generally friendly, but the environment they are in does affect their behavior. For example, a cockatiel could be very friendly and thrive in one setting but be unhappy and unruly in another. The African Grey parrot speaks the best. Despite the budgies having the record for the most extensive bird vocabulary in the world. The easiest parrots to keep are those from the submissive species. They are not only obedient, easy to train, and cheap to care for, but also small and make little noise.

Parrots And Their Environment

Parrots are brilliant. Their ability to mimic human speech is unrivaled. They are capable of complex vocalizations. They have also adapted well in the wild. Parrots are great flyers with impressive speeds. Although many species often migrate, pet parrots remain at home. They refuse to leave the comfort that their home gives them, but the ability to fly increases their chances of survival in the wild. They are zygodactyl and breed during warm months. All are omnivores and have curved beaks. There are differences in their sizes and species, and some require much more training than others. Not all of them are monogamous. Many of them enjoy the snowy climate instead of the tropical climate. 

These creatures are brainy and beautiful. They sing songs, and they are colorful. They live for decades and make excellent companions. Parrots are magnificent no matter what species they are.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do Parrots Live

Their lifespan differentiates based on whether they live in captivity as pets or accessible in the wild. Captive parrots live decades longer than their free kin. It is because parrots are prey in the wild and are poached and hunted for whatever reasons. Pet parrots have the luxury of safety and an owner who ensures healthy by taking them to the vet and feeding them properly. Other factors in their lifespan include their type of parrot, size, and mental health.

The bigger the parrot, the longer they live. If parrots get enough mental stimulation, affection, and attention, they’ll live longer.

On average, the smaller captive parrots live between 15 to 30 years. Budgerigars live between 5 to 8 years. The larger parrots can live up to 60 years or more, and some even outlive their owners. A Blue-and-gold macaw named Charlie holds the Guinness Book of World Record for the world’s oldest parrot. She has reached the age of 114 years old.

These exact birds will cut their lifetime by 5 to 10 years in the wild. Sometimes their lifetimes are only half of their captive kin’s life. (source)

Do Parrots Recognise Their Owners

Whoever these parrots have a deep bond with, they internalize this person’s face and voice. Generally, this is the person they spend with all the time. It’s not rare that the person imprinted onto the parrot’s brain is not the owner. It could be the owner’s child or spouse. The owner might be away a lot, and parrots need a consistent face. However, this is not common; thus, they can tell their owner apart from others. They will not recognize the owner by scent but by sight and hearing.

What Makes Parrots Special

There is no other bird group that is as diverse as they are. They have more than 350 species of parrot. The only bird to eat with their feet, and they are – without a doubt, the most colorful birds. They mimic human speech as well as the surrounding environmental sounds. These animals are brainy and live on every continent except Antarctica. Parrots are incredibly loving and affectionate. In addition, they can be ridiculous and amusing for hours on end. Parrots have a great sense of humor. Their personalities are lovely.

What Are Some Interesting Facts About Parrots

According to Smithsonian magazine, a third of the world’s parrots face extinction. It is due to the destruction of their habitats and incessant poaching for the pet trade. Parrots taste with the tops of their beaks because they have taste buds on the roof of their mouths.

A group of parrots is called a pandemonium, and in India, it’s illegal to keep parrots as pets.

There are plenty of toxic foods that will harm a parrot: chocolate or cocoa, avocado, meat, and dairy products, to name a few.

The Kakapo parrot is a giant parrot and the only group member that cannot fly.

Parrots lay 1 to 8 eggs at a time.

Do Parrots Feel Emotion

Yes. Parrots feel emotion just as much as humans do. They get angry, sad, and ecstatically happy! They are also sensitive to human emotions. They have a great sense of how their owners feel. Sometimes they are more aware than their owners. Every parrot displays its unique characteristics. Sometimes, it cannot be easy to deal with a pet that feels all of these emotions so deeply. However, this trait makes them sympathetic and kinder to those around them. Also, this allows for a loving bond between the owner and the parrot. The parrot will sense how much the owner loves them.

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  1. 3 Oldest Parrots in The World 
  2. Alina Bradford, published July 24, 2014. Live Science. Parrot Facts: Habits, Habitat & Species | Live Science
  3. Kidadl Team, published October 26, 2021. Kidadl. Different Types Of Parrots: Guide To All The Colorful Species
  4. Michelle Z. Donahue, published January 5, 2016. Smithsonian Magazine. 14 Fun Facts About Parrots | Science| Smithsonian Magazine 

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