African Grey Parrots Vs. Congo Parrots
These two Parrot species are famous for being the most capable of mimicking human words. Unlike other smaller breeds of Parrots, these species can copy word pronunciations.
Both African Grey Parrots and Congo Parrots are adaptable well enough to master essential words. These Parrots can also equally produce sounds that mimic a basic household noise.
Which Is Better, Timneh Or Congo Parrots?
Both Timneh African Greys and Congo Parrots pose to have the mental maturity of a toddler. Despite the fast rate at which these two types of Parrots mature.
Timneh African Greys grow faster compared to Congo Parrots. With that said, African Grey Parrots have a more stable personality than the latter.
Congo Parrots, on another note, can be just as mature as African Greys when placed in a stable environment.
The two Parrot Species differ in their need for socialization. Both tend to be wary of social settings. These birds take more of their time examining their surroundings than becoming involved.
They Communicate With Others The Same Way
Timneh African Greys and Congo Parrots do not differ in using their voices. Both don’t have to change much to communicate with their peers.
Unlike other bird species, the said two types are generally good at learning how to speak. Its genders are not a factor in how skilled they are at learning to speak.
Both can learn to mimic daily household noise over time. These Parrots can even sound like the actual thing given enough time to practice. These sounds vary from the occasional doorbell sound, knocks, alarms, etc.
African Greys and Congo Parrots can both grow to become excellent friends. It’s not difficult for these two to incorporate each other into their lives.
Which Is Better, Timneh Or Congo Parrots?
Timneh African Grey Parrots are better than Congo Parrots. The reason for this is that Timneh Parrots mature faster compared to the other ones.
African Grey Parrots tend to reflect maturity faster in their physical growth. This Parrot specie is also more emotionally and mentally stable.
Timneh Parrots are calmer compared to Congo Parrots. It makes them less prone to stress. Remember that stress is one major factor in a bird’s wellbeing.
African Grey Parrots also learn to talk during their earlier stages. They usually start to form sentences by the age of six months.
Can Congo And Timneh African Greys Breed?
In the wild, Timneh and Congo Parrots do not breed with each other. But rare interbred Timneh and Congo Parrots exist in some places.
These Timneh-Congo Parrot hybrid keepers claim that the said birds can reproduce. Despite the genetic differences between the two species, these hybrids show healthy functions.
The Timneh African Greys and Congo Parrots differ by four inches in length. Most hybrids of the two birds measure up to an average Timneh African Grey Parrot.
A researcher from the University of California-Davis disagrees with this practice. Catherine A. Toft says that this practice will only mess up the genetic markers of the said species.
Do Timneh African Greys Talk?
Yes, they do. Timneh African Grey Parrots are famous for learning how to speak early in life. They tend to mature faster compared to their close Congo Parrot peers.
Research by Dr. Irene M. Pepperberg states that African Grey Parrots can recognize objects and colors. These Parrots can verbally categorize things, colors, and even shapes.
African Grey Parrots are one of the most mentally developed specie of Parrots in the world. This Parrot species can learn words faster than any other. (source)
These birds can learn to mimic a wide variety of words if placed in the constant presence of a human. African Greys are very sociable birds that learn through interaction.
Do Timneh African Greys Have Red Tails?
Yes, Timneh African Grey Parrots have red tails. This color is present because of the different pigments on their feathers.
Upon further inspection, these Parrots have a combination of yellow and red plumage. But most of the red pigments in their body can be found in their tail.
As attractive as it may be, the red tails of Timneh African Grey Parrots are there for more serious reasons.
The red pigment of their tail reflects a warning to predators in their surroundings. These Timneh African Greys use their tails to scare their pursuers away.
How Are Their Tails Helpful For Them?
Another known fact about Timneh African Greys is that they use their tails to warn their peers of danger. For other Parrots, this is a sign to look for a place of safety.
Parrots stands-out for their vibrant colors, but as African Grey Parrots age, they go through a season of molting.
It is when they shed their current feathers to grow new ones. The molting season is often a season of drastic changes in the Parrot’s form.
Some skin follicles of birds become damage-causing fewer feathers to grow. Minor damage to the strands can also cause the lighter color of feathers to grow. In some cases, the feathers that grow back become a different color.
Where Do Wild Timneh African Grey Parrots Live?

Timneh African Grey Parrots that live in the wild dwell in moist lowland forests.
Birds like to bathe and move around, so you’ll find this Parrot species living in places near water. It provides them ample space to play in and enough water for hydrating. African Grey Parrots usually thrive in lowland forests like mangroves and savannas. In some cases, they can also be in parks and gardens in the middle of urban areas.
Contrary to how smaller bird species would put nests on top of branches, Parrots prefer to stay hidden. Timneh African Greys would often build their homes in tree holes found on the trunk of big trees. Not all trees have holes in their trunks, so it’s more difficult for these birds to find shelter. Timneh African Greys are protective of their territories too. They tend to stay in one nest for long periods.
In the wild, most African Grey Parrots do not survive due to the increasing rate of deforestation. A decreasing food and water supply have also become a factor in why these Parrot species do not survive.
What Do African Grey Parrots Eat?
African Grey Parrots eat grains, vegetables, herbs, seeds, and dried fruits. Birds need to have a diet that includes all the nutrients. If you’re thinking of taking care of an African Grey Parrot at home, you need to pay attention to its diet.
It’s essential not to monopolize your Parrot’s diet to one type of food. You can buy products that offer vegetables, herbs, seeds, dried fruits, and grains. Only make sure that you buy products that do not have any harmful additives. It is best to buy from your local markets for safety.
Incorporate a lot of calcium-rich food items into your African Grey’s diet. Their Calcium intakes highly influence their physiological needs. The lack of the said nutrient can affect its strength.
You can add turnip, broccoli, and other green vegetables for this. Remember to wash the vegetables well to remove unwanted bacteria. (source)
How Do African Grey Parrots Eat Their Food?
Most Parrots can use their strong beaks to break into fruit seeds and get the pulp inside. This part of the fruit is rich in protein and fat, which is beneficial for the growth of these birds.
Find a way also to include Vitamin A in your Parrot’s diet. This nutrient can be found in most leafy vegetables and should be in most meals. Examples of these are lettuce, cucumbers, peas, zucchini, kale, celery, and broccoli.
Parrots like to eat fruits that have seeds. For starters, you can give them kiwi, grapes, or berries. They are also keen on other fruits like bananas, papaya, oranges, mango, and melons.
African Grey Parrots, like most birds, change their diet depending on the time and season of the year. These birds can eat a wide range of food items, which allows them to be adaptable to changes in supply. (source)
If you have the liberty to provide your pet Parrots with different food options, do it. Allowing them to choose from a plate varying in food items can be the key to figuring out what to give them.
What Foods Should I Avoid Feeding My Parrots?
Do not feed your African Grey Parrots with Avocadoes
Research in April 2009 shows that Parrots are prone to Pulmonary hypertension and congestive heart failure. The mentioned diseases are one of the main reasons African Grey Parrots die.
Despite being able to eat a lot of fruits, Avocadoes are off-limits for your pet Parrots. When Parrots eat Avocadoes, they often develop lethal cardiac problems. (source)
Do not feed your Parrots with chocolates too. The chemical content of chocolates called theobromine is harmful to African Grey Parrots. This chemical can cause seizures, heart arrhythmia, and hyperactivity in Parrots.
Be wary of the salt content of the food you’re giving your pet Parrots too. The physiology of Parrots depends significantly on water. Too much salt can disrupt the water levels in your Parrot’s body.
Onion And Garlic
While onion and garlic may seem harmless for humans, these root crops are lethal for Parrots. The acidic component of the two food items can create a painful esophageal lining on your pet.
You do not have to be a professional to care for a Parrot at home; you have to be fully into it. If you’re not the only one caring for your pet, you should remind the other person of the things to note.
Signs That Your Parrot Is Ill
If you think that your African Grey Parrot was able to eat some of the prohibited food mentioned above, here are some signs of illness:
First is if there is a decrease in their physical activity. When unwell, Parrots show a significant reduction in cage activity. You may notice changes in their sleeping patterns and their appetite too. In some cases, when ill, your bird may not realize that it’s starving, leading to drastic weight loss. If your Parrot’s keel bone starts to become more noticeable, it’s a sign that it’s beginning to lose weight.
Another sign is if your Parrot has Diarrhea. You can check if your Parrot still has regular bowel movements. If you see greenish, brownish, and white urine, it’s a sign that they are healthy.
Also, check for signs on your bird’s feathers. If you begin to see damaged, fluffed, or bent feathers, you must consider bringing your pet to the clinic.
Otherwise, if you feed your pet the proper diet, it should remain playful and engaging.
Are African Grey Parrots More Sociable?
Timneh African Grey Parrots prove to be easier to get along with because of their calm nature.
Caring for Parrots or any bird is only a matter of finding the right balance between time and diet. You have to build a relationship with your pet Parrot.
Always choose a Parrot breeder who has years of experience to ensure that you will have a healthy pet. Wild-caught Parrots need a thorough medical examination to test for any disease or flu. It is advisable to steer away from these kinds.
Professional breeders can help you ensure that you’re not contributing to the decline of African Grey Parrots. Remember that you must be responsible not only to your pet but also to the environment.
Timneh African Grey Parrots can start learning many things just a few months after birth. It will be ideal if you get one young so you can familiarize yourself early with human encounters.
Remember to include considerations when you get a Timneh African Grey Parrot. Not all Parrots behave the same way, but they are accustomed to social interaction.
- Pepperberg, Irene M., “Functional Vocalizations by An African Grey Parrot (Psittacus Erithacus)” Accessed May 2022
- Mcdonald, Lawrence J., “Hypocalcemic Seizures In An African Grey Parrot” Accessed May 2022.
- Tamungang, Simon A., Onabid, Mathias A., Awa II, Taku & Balinga, Victor S. “Habitat Preferences of the Grey Parrot in Heterogeneous Vegetation Landscapes and Their Conservation Implications” Accessed May 2022.
- Sedacca, Cassidy D., Campbell, Terry W., Bright, Janic M. “Chronic Cor Pulmonale Secondary To Pulmonary Atherosclerosis In An African Grey Parrot” Accessed May 2022.